Growing up

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After the age of 4 nothing was normal for little Izuku, his Mom became overprotective and the other kids were always beating him down, because of his quirk status. But nothing ever stays the same, as the years passed, the only things which stayed the same were his Analysis books, Art and the other kids bullying him for his lack of quirk. Then his Mom started going out so much that it was a rare occurrence to see her now. He was 7 he could understand, he was grown up enough as a quirkless kid, he only needed the food she had left for him and those big clothes too right?

A few weeks ago Izuku made a Herogram account on the name Mightyboy. He posted his fun edits of pictures he liked, like when he edited Kamui Woods to be fully human or wood, because he wanted others to laugh at some of his works like he did. Nothing serious he didn't want to see mean critics on his analysis or more serious art.

When he reached the age of 10 he was already a slightly well known Editor and Artist and got requests occasionally from all around the world. Once he needed to Edit Present Mic's head on a cockatoo's body and after that Eraserhead's on a cat's body. He really liked doing these, and making people happy like a hero would do. The ones who made commissions or requests many times wanted to pay him and wrote to him, he told them that he doesn't have a bank account, he isn't even old enough, everyone who he did commissions for left him alone after that, but the pair who asked the cockatoo and cat didn't leave it alone. They wrote to him, and it become a great part of his day when he would log into his laptop and talk to the couple on a group chat.  They talked about everything, Yamada and Aizawa were great people, he felt amazing talking to them. They were teachers and were so caring to him online. Kacchan's insults which had stayed in his mind all the time went away, just from seeing the notification on his account about a new message.

At the age of 12 he accidentally told them that while doing his day one of his classmates exploded him with his quirk and now his ears don't feel the same at the moment and he is kind of scared and hopes it is not permanent damage. They questioned it too much and Izuku ended up panicking and not answering them, until they just told him that he can talk to them anytime he wants and he is ready they will be here for him. After that he sometimes told them about the bullies and the couple seemed happy that he told them this much.

When he was 14 he told them how far his classmates can go, and confirmed his age for them that he is 14, they were shocked is the least to say. He tried to talk to them freely at least they will know his story, because if he can't make it to UA he doesn't think he will live. He told them his diagnosis, his mother's change and his classmates going as far to tell him everyday that he is a waste of space. The couple asked him about many things, which he answered to mostly honestly, like when was the last time he saw his Mom (on April 1st, she told him that she is going to be  with him more), where is he planning to go to school (UA it is fairly close, plus they accept quirkless), is he alright (he lied, he lied), where does he live, because they want to come for him and get him out of his situation as fast as they can ( Izuku couldn't write it down to them, he doubted too much)

After he met All Might and started training, his talking with the couple got strained, nonexistent, they tried to talk to him, get his full name, his address or any clue to help him. Why you might ask? Before he saw the explosion in the distance from the roof he sent his Goodbye to them from his phone, after the incident when he got home he told them his day, reassured them that he is okay, then wrote his day down from the start of the book destroying and take a swam dive offer, through the slime villain to the offer from the hero to train him. They were worried it seemed from the texts they have sent him. He was just guilty, they loved him from afar were there for him and what he did? He tried to commit and then just told them his day and he will be fine. Training with All Might he was tired wanted to talk to the couple, but was scared, he didn't answer for so long they must be furious with him, truth to be told, he still read their texts, but it still didn't feel like it would be a great idea to answer them. They told him, so much about themselves, from their little things that happened to them, like a kid stopping in a shop in front of them and telling Aizawa he is a hobo and he doesn't have enough because of it to shop here so he should just go back to be under his bridge or stories about their newest cat, Dumpster. The time passed and All Might gave him his quirk on the day of the entrance exam, which he had with much possibility failed. On the day he got home he checked his messages, there was one from the couple, but it was a sound record, his curiosity got the better of him and he was sure he will cry so much that night.

"Hey kid" a gruff, tired, almost bored voice started " it has been long since you answered, but you still look at what we write to you " here comes the man telling him to talk or that they'll block him " I know that life must be hard for you at the moment, you are feeling guilty for not answering but scared to write to us, aren't you Izuku? A new school year is starting soon and we hope that you made it to UA or another school where you'll be happy" Oh yeah he told them his name once when he was 12 and was talking about Kacchan and his friends calling him Deku. " This is the first time of you hearing my voice, so let me introduce myself, hey kid I'm Shouta Aizawa and me and my- SHOOO how can you be this formal?" Said an energetic voice which sounded like PRESENT MIC?! in the background " Hey there Little Listener, I'm Yamada Hizashi and we have been missing you and our little chats kiddo, it doesn't have to be on a mayor topic like your assh- ZASHI - meany classmates, we can just chat about cats or foods or anything that comes into your mind it is all right kiddo? We both miss you and can't wait to hear from you again if you want to chat. " M̶i̶c̶'̶s̶ Yamada's voice finished as Izuku was now crying. He there was the weight he felt for months now lifting and he found himself just writing a hi, missed chatting to you too, back to them, then writing about Mic's radio show, because there was this interesting topic this week, unknown to him this got the couple smiling widely when he answered and Izuku felt a bit happier. Up until the first day they talked on daily level, then his homeroom teacher showed up and Izuku chickened out again from writing to them for a few days, because when he heard Aizawa's name, voice and got scolded for poor control over his quirk, he felt something broke inside him, again... Then many things happened, after the USJ he told them, he told them he has a quirk now, because a̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶g̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶  he was a late bloomer and he still couldn't do anything to save someone important to him. He was still scared to tell them who he was, but they were there for him, they told him that if he didn't do anything reckless to get it and it really makes his life easier now, then they are still by his side. They even offered to help learning to control it.

Then time passed they talked on daily basis. After the Stain incident Izuku kind of theorized on of  all the different ways Stain could have been a hero, which amused Aizawa and creeped out Yamada. Then the camp and Kamino happened and Izuku got his mother's permission somehow to be in the dorms (he faked her signature). Even though All Might came to ask for permission he believed that his Mom was simply busy and that is why she was absent. Izuku was kind of saddened by how believing his mentor is and by the fact that Aizawa went with him to every house except his, he got to know from his class's messages.

And now here we are in the present, Izuku sitting in front of his laptop making his sure expulsion come true as he added blush into his homeroom teacher's face on the picture that he was working on. Yup he lost a bet, about not fighting Bakugo for a week and he gets to deal with its consequences but hey at least he saw Bakugo in a pink Hello Kitty dress before his expulsion or death. What they told him to do was just do create something that will piss off Aizawa and place it in the common room. At least he does something he likes before he dies.

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