GOOD MORNING LITTLe Zuku, Shooo why did you use your quirk?!

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When Izuku woke up in the morning he was confused to say at least. He woke up almost well rested, in a more comfortable bed, with a plushy dark blanket still on him. He tried to look around the room, where he was and remembered that he was brought here somewhere in the early morning by Aizawa and Yamada who knew who he was. He only tried, because he couldn't really look around while laying. Slowly he sat up and looked around, even though the curtains on the window were still drawn together the light that came through them showed him some more of the room, which was painted light green with a deep red carpet on its floor and the reddish curtain colors were visible too. Izuku didn't really know what to do, should he get up or wait for them to tell him this was a cruel joke or something - He couldn't go and think more like that because while sitting there just looking out of his head, because Hizashi just came to check on him and got too happy that he is up that he accidentally used his quirk.

" GOOD MORNING LITTLe Zuku" He started yelling with using voice, but got cut off by something or rather someone, because his husband was glaring at him tiredly with hair floating up. "Shooooo why did you use your quirk?! I wasn't yelling was I? " He questioned while starting to panic and realized that he did use it, because Izuku pressed his hands onto his ears and shut his eyes uncomfortably tightly.

"You were" Aizawa said quietly and he went to Izuku to pry his hands away too see if there was any damage done. "Hey kid, are you okay? 'Zashi kind of has no control over his quirk after he woke up or is excited, he didn't want to hurt you" He held his almost son's hands and started talking to him quietly to get a reaction which he got after his first sentence in the form of a nod. His kid opened his eyes, which held the shock of the whole situation the kid felt. Shouta looked subtly at the kids ears, but nothing was visible on the outside.

" Sorry 'Zuku" Hizashi said with more control over voice as he looked over Izuku too while nonchalantly went to fix the curtains so light could come in. They will need to make the kid go to Recovery Girl, because from the incidents he told them about when he was a kid, could have easily damaged his ears and now that Hizashi yelled around him with quirk on. They need to have it looked at for sure.

" It's okay" Izuku said quietly and all of them knew that it wasn't. What happened to their kid to make him think that it is okay to damage him in any way?

" No, it's not Little Listener!" Yamada told him, while still panicking a bit " Even if my quirk control is not as great in the morning it isn't an excuse to hurt you or Shouta is it? " He told the kid calmly as the kid just looked at him with pure shock.

" But it was an accident" He protested " It didn't hurt me" He said and Shouta leaned forward to him.

" Maybe it didn't this time, but what if it just added to the damage you didn't know was there? " He told their kid then held out a hand. " Before it turns into more of a gloom fest than it is already, come on Problem Child, we kind of still need to get ready for school " Izuku only placed his hand on Aizawa's from manners. He didn't know what to do with it so, he went with the flow as the teacher helped him up and he found himself being hugged by him and Hizashi. "You don't know how long we have been waiting to do this" was murmured into his hair and Izuku went back into the crying mess. He cried until he had no tears left to cry and looked up at the couple being the steady presence for him. Aizawa noticed it and pulled away " C'mon kid, you still need to eat breakfast and get ready to school. "

" Shoooo ~ but we still need to show him around" Yamada told his husband. " Take this idea, you start breakfast while I show our Green Bean aROund in A MIni tour" Hizashi told his husband with wavering control over voice as he placed his arm over Izuku's shoulder and pulled him close.

" Fine 'Zashi, but you owe me a coffee before the hell spawn show up to class. " Izuku was just going with the flow but still was surprised at the affection of the couple and their interaction. But he had no time to dwell on it as his English teacher led him through their place, showing him their three cats (okay only pictures because they were hiding somewhere, oh and while he was it Yamada showed pictures of a cat named Sushi who's some kind of Nemuri's cat), only stopping at the bathroom because Izuku needed to go there, then after that they sat down and ate breakfast together like a family. Izuku felt weird, he loved the couple who he could talk online and now that they know who he is, they are really there with him, and he is kind of scared, but still loves them and he is so confused.

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