3rd Years as Parents

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These are things I think the 3rd Years would do as parents based on things my parents do.
This takes place post-timeskip so spoilers!




emotionally vulnerable💫

✏This is something both of my parents do. We have Family Meetings every now and then just so that they can touch base and make sure I'm okay emotionally.

✏I can see Asahi taking you on late night drives while you 2 just talk about your feelings and anything stressing you out.

✏Very good at communicating and tries to make sure you don't bottle things up but also doesn't pressure you when you're not ready.

health nut💫

✏This is something my mom does and it's so sweet. Every morning before she let's me out of the car for school, she gives me The Speech™.
✏"I hope you have a wonderful day, be the best version of yourself and good luck with any projects you have! I love you!"
✏I can see Kiyoko doing this to hype up her family. It's sweet and shows that she cares without being extreme and going over the top.

indulges in your hobbies💫

✏You wanna learn how to paint?🤨 No, we're gonna learn how to paint😌 /hj

✏This is something both my parents do, but I can see Suga taking this to the next level lol. You're interested in learning how to crochet? Great, I have a friend that can give you lessons! Wanna try starting a small business by selling creative projects you work on? Awesome, I'll tell my friends at work colleagues about it

✏It seems like he has friend that can help with anything you need. Outside of the 3rd years, I see Suga as someone who has loads of friends. Maybe not super close friends, but they're always willing to lend him a hand or do favours since it's Suga.

health nut💫

✏Goes for runs every morning before heading off to work, makes fruit smoothies to help boost everyone's immune systems and exercising together at least once a week. Everyone meet my dad

✏I can definitely see Daichi being the type of dad who believes "A healthy life is a happy life!". It can be a bit overwhelming exercising with him have you seen him? but he's really sweet about it! He makes sure the pace isn't set too fast and waits for everyone to each set so that you can move on together.

✏Very helpful when there's something specific you want to work on, like your core or arms, and recommends different routines to try out. Always invites you to go on runs or walks with him so you feel included. oops i'm rambling-


does voiceovers for people in the street💫

✏He's just trying to keep you both entertained! My mom does this when traffic is slow and it's very endearing. You'll just be chilling in the car, waiting for traffic to actually move, when you'll hear Yaku start blabbering,

"Those 2 are definitely trying to skip school!"
"Dad, they're just walking?"
"But look at how they walk!! Hey is your mom still looking? I don't know, you check! Can't you just hear them?"
"Dad the window is literally rolled up!"

✏It can be really funny, but sometimes when you're drained you might just not be feeling it. Most of the time though it at least gets a chuckle out of you.

hides in the house to give jumpscares💫

✏My dad did this the other day. After a walk to the park together, he ran ahead of us, his away in the house and then snuck up on my mom while she was in the kitchen.

✏He also hid behind the bathroom door before jumping out at my mom when she entered. She got a fright and smacked his chest but he just cackled at her, which gives of major Kuroo energy.

✏Bonus: My mom now slams doors against the wall if she thinks my dad might be hiding behind them. So far, he never has been much to her disappointment but my father is always amused.




never shames you for your interests💫

✏Both my parents do this, basically after I gain a new interest in something they feed into it. not sure that makes sense lol

✏When I got into kpop, they let me play music in the car, even though they weren't super into it.

✏They kept an eye and ear open for anything including South Korea or kpop, which was both sweet and funny imo. Like, they set up a meeting with a South Korean woman who came to our church once (she was so nice), and my mom tried to buy me merch.

✏I just imagine Tendou enjoying seeing you passionate about something, and it reminds him of his youth and his passion for manga and volleyball😭

scrap treats for lunch💫

✏My parents sell treats as a side gig, so after they sort and package the sweets they set aside the ones they can't sell and let my sister and I eat them.

✏Sometimes they pack them in for lunch, and sometimes they pack in actual stock which feels really fancy.

✏I don't think chocolatiers work like this, but I like to think Tendou would pack in sweet treats for his kids.

helps you learn a music instrument💫

✏My dad's a musician, which was super useful when I was learning piano.

✏Semi seems like the dad who would make his kid learn an instrument, mainly as an outlet for them and so they had something to bond over, but it would also look good on school applications.

✏Although it would definitely be stressful, it would definitely be rewarding seeing Semi smile proudly if you ever performed. Whether you're performing just for him or for an event, he'd be beaming with pride.

✏Bonus: definitely would cry if you ever played one of his favourite songs as a gift😌


note: heyy, i'm gonna try posting again but i can't promise a steady schedule😅
open to any criticism

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