late night talks

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terushima yuuji x gn! reader
warning: descriptions of an anxiety attack, mentions of alcohol
1389 words

This sucked.
Your chest was tight as you struggled to force your lungs to function. Tears and snot began dripping down your face god knows how long ago. Despite the easy access to tissues, you made no effort to use them as you drowned in despair in a stranger's bathroom.

One hand clutching your phone while the other clung to your shirt, you tried to calm yourself down. "Just breathe... In and out, like you practiced," your mumbling did little to comfort you as thoughts of looking dumb swirled in the back of your mind.

Desperate to feel some level of control, you retraced your steps.
Your friend had convinced you to attend some other friend's party. At first they promised not to leave you side, but they unintentionally broke it being the social butterfly they were.

Being alone in a loud, unknown setting with bad lighting, surrounded by strangers proved to be too much for you. Which lead to you now sitting on the bathroom floor, leaning against a bathtub with your knees pulled close to your chest.

Having analyzed your situation, and getting your breathing under control, you were able to think better. "I can just call someone" you muttered, a half hearted laugh leaving your hoarse throat at the obvious thought.

As you scrolled through your contacts you caught a glimpse of your reflection. "I look like shit" you thought with a wince. You slowly got up shakily making you way to the basin as you send a message to another friend to come pick you up.

Cool water was welcomed by your skin as you attempted to clean yourself up. You were starting to feel a bit better as you planned your exut in your head. Surely things must have quietend down by now, right?

As if to prove you wrong, the bathroom door was slammed open as a drunk boy came tumbling in as he bee lined for the toilet. Loud music barged into the room, assaulting your senses as you just watched the boy retch in shock.

You clutched your phone once more, trying to keep yourself from spiraling once more only for another boy to enter the bathroom.
In your panic you couldn't look directly at him, but you noticed he was tall - taller than you at least- with a blonde undercut and excited eyes.

He made his way to his friend, whispering comforting words as he rubbed his back before his eyes landed on you -

Oh God, had you been mumbling out loud? Fuck, he was staring at you and you were just frozen and standing there silently. You probably look like a creep with your bloodshot eyes as you stare at them-

Wait, why is he approaching you! Oh God he's speaking to you. You notice he has a tongue piercing but struggle to hear what he says over the loud music and the thumping of your heart.

You mind goes blank as he guides you through the noisy crowd and out of the house. Next thing you know, you're seated outside as he's handing you something to drink.

"Um-" your voice cracks a little as you go to turn him down, "I don't want to drink any-"
"Oh, it's not alcohol. Just water, you look like you could use some."

With an embarrased nod, you thank him as you gulp down the water not realizing how thirsty you were. "These parties can get pretty intense, yeah?"

Oh god, he was still here. You wipe your mouth, clearing your throat this time, before responding, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to be so-" you gesture with your free hand in search of the right word.

"Busy?" he finishes for you. "Yeah, something like that," you take another sip, "My friend made it sound like there would be less people." The blonde boy laughed sheepishly, "Yeah, it was supposed to be. But one thing led to another and Bobata and I have a ton of friends so one thing led to another."

You almost choked at the familiar name. "Bobata? Like, the guy who asks out every girl at school?" The blonde awkwardly grins as he rubs the back of his neck, "Ah, yeah he asks out a lot of girls but that title probably belongs to me."

Your mouth falls slightly open as he introduces himself. "I'm Terushima the infamous playboy. Charmed to meet me I'm sure," he jokes. You stumble over your words as you quickly introduce yourself.

"You look familiar, " he hums looking over you, "Do we share any classes?" You rack your brain for an answer, "Maybe English?" "That's it!" he claps excitedly, "You're the one who did really well in the practices essays last week-"

"Ahh!!" you're quick to shut him up, "You remember that??" "Hell yeah, you got, what,
96% for it? Man, you'll have to help me out with creative writing sometime." "Oh please, aren't you a top student for every other subject?" "I like to stay humble."

You huff out a soft laugh as you place the empty cup beside you. "So uh-" he breaks the silence once more, "How're you getting back?" Reality sinks in as you realise you're in an isolated area with a complete stranger who might possibly be hitting on you.

Thankfully Terushima seems to catch himself before you can let yourself spiral for a 3rd time that night. "I mean, you seemed pretty spooked in the bathroom! I just wanted to make sure you got back safe." he begins to ramble "I help find your friend if you want, or I can take you home."

He processes his thoughts once more before stumbling, "N-not like that though! Since it's so late- I mean, I can also call my friend Hana - you might not know her but she's really nice - to help you get back. Just-" He sighed, placing his head in his hands clearly embarrased by himself.

The shock of seeing the school's playboy tongue tied before you, you let out a laugh. And not just a giggle or a huff of air, but a real belly laugh, surprised at the way this evening had turned out.

"Don't worry, I messaged another friend to come fetch me. Speaking of which," you check your phone once more. Concentrating on reading their messages you failed to notice Terushima peeking at you through his fingers. "They should be here in 5 minutes, so feel free to head back inside."

You gesture behind you before looking at him once more. He fakes an offended expression, "And leave my new friend alone in the cold? Just what do you take me for!" he huffs playfully.

The fact he considered you a friend caught you slightly off guard, but his easy going nature made it too easy to get lost in his voice and laugh with him.

Time passed quickly as Terushima kept you company. You learned he had 2 sisters and they had all at some point been part of school orchestra. "I'll try anything once," he claimed with a teasing look in his eyes.

You roll your eyes in fake annoyance, "What did you play?" "Trumpet." "Neat! I learned piano at some point but I haven't touched one in years."

Smiling, he looked you up and down, "That checks out, you seem like the artsy type." You flush but before you can ask him to elaborate a hoot cuts you off. Your friend has pulled up in their car, calling to you from the driver's seat.

"Ah, that's me" You get up a bit too quickly, stumbling in the process. "I guess this is goodbye," Terushima says as he walks you to the car. "I guess so," you pause, "thanks again for the water, and the help and- well thanks for everything I guess. I don't know how to repay you."

"It's no biggie," he says with a shrug. "Although, if you really want to repay me," he gives you a teasing look, "You could give me some writing tips?"

"Ha ha very funny," is all you say as you open the door. "No seriously," he shyly repeats himself, "I'd really appreciate the help." You look over the blonde boy in front of you before turning to get into the car.

"I guess I can clear my schedule Monday."
"It's a date :)"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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