Tadashi and the Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Week

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yamaguchi tadashi x gn! reader
warnings: none
602 words

Awful. Yamaguchi's week had been awful, and he was only half way through. On Monday he left his locker key at home so he couldn't access his books.

Tuesday was better when he managed to catch up on the work he missed, only to be flung into an unprepared reading in English. (Yamaguchi tried not to think about his marks). After school he went with his friends for some fast food, Hinata determined to cheer up his friend.

Unfortunately the energetic duo's rowdy nature knocked the fries out of Tadashi's hand before he could even get to the soggy ones.

Now it was Wednesday, midway the through the school Week. Two more days til freedom was his. All Yamaguchi was a peaceful day. It could be the most boring, uneventful day of his life and Yamaguchi would just be glad to catch a break.

However the universe seemed to have other plans as he was late for school. "This can't get any worse," Yamaguchi thought to himself as he raced to his locker. Just as he was about to make a beeline to his register class, a familiar voice called out to him. "Hey Yama- oh, are you okay?"

Yamaguchi stumbled but managed to catch himself, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of you. "Uh, hi! N-no I'm fine, yeah. thanks." Yamaguchi cursed inwardly at himself for fumbling over his words as your eyes seems to peer at his soul.

As you took in his messy uniform and slight bedhead Yamaguchi felt more self conscious than ever. Just as you were about to say something the bell rang. "Shit," Yamaguchi cursed under his breath.

"I'll see you later?" you offered with a kind smile. Yamaguchi barely nodded at you before taking off down the passages again, so much for an uneventful day.

Thankfully, the rest of Tadashi's day was dreary but not as hectic as previous days. After a particularly rough practice, Yamaguchi just wanted some time alone. When he voices this to Tsukishima he just gave him a weird look before giving him a knowing smirk. What he seemed to know, Yamaguchi couldn't bring himself to care about as he continued to change by himself.

As he walked to the school entrance, the sound of Hinata and Kageyama's loud voices fading away, he noticed a figure waiting by the school gate. It was you! You seemed to be holding something but he couldn't tell what it was.

At the sound of him approaching you turned to him with a nervous smile before handing him a small bouquet of sunflowers with a note stuck between them. For a moment, Yamaguchi's heart stopped at the thought of you confessing.

Words fell from your lips like water from a tap as you rambled on about "being worried about him this morning" and "asking Tsukishima about his favourite flower". Yamaguchi could do nothing but stare at you with an astonished look in his eyes, touched by your thoughtfulness.

You eventually finished your ramblings finally meeting his eyes before saying, "Of course, if you don't want them you don't have to take them." "No!" Yamaguchi practically shouts at you as his hands move to cup your own, clumsily clutching the flowers. "I want them, thank you." A lopsided grin makes its way to his face, "I really, really appreciate it."

Yamaguchi walks home with you, bouquet held near his heart in one hand as the other was intertwined with your own. As you rattle on about how you begged Tsukishima for the information, Yamaguchi thought to himself. "Maybe today wasn't so bad after all."

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