Manga Witch

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This day has been so fun! I found a Manga store while I was taking a walk on Earth, and it has all the Manga I love! Ooh this is gonna be a good read! Two Pieces, Sword Art Offline, Seven Lovely Deeds, even My Villian Academia!

Somethings off though. Everytime I look at a bookshelf, I see a book that peaks my interest. That's odd because I don't see any books that aren't of the genre's I like! I asked the person working there, he just said, "This place is truly, magical".

I wonder what that could mean. Oh yeah, magic, obviously. I asked where the manager was (I want to learn this magic) and the man said, "She's in the back room over there, but be warned, the boss is dangerous when she is desturbed".

I clearly shouldn't go to the back room, but I really, really want to know the spell. So I toughened up and opened the door. The light was on (thank goodness because I don't want to see any scary ladies in the dark) so I walked in and looked around for the manager.

I turned a corner and saw her sitting on a bean bag chair, watching one of my favorite movies, 'Sword Art Offline: Coordinate Scale'. I said very smoothly, "Sup bruh, how ya doin'?" She just looked at me confused, and looked back at the TV.

I can't be that uninteresting that a person got tired of looking at me for 2 seconds! I walked over and sat down next to her and watched the movie along with her(better than desturbing the movie).

After the movie finished she asked who I was. I said, "I'm the one who would like to request you to teach me the magic spell for the manga." She asked how I knew about that, but it was pretty obvious to detect based on past experiences.

Especially from 900 years ago. Weird, I don't remember living 900 years ago. Ah whatever, I'm here for a spell not a questionable story. She said that she'd teach me under one condition (of course there's a condition).

I asked what it was and she said, "First of all, I'm Marianne. Second of all, I'll teach you if you get me these ingredients." The ingredients were: ×5 Purple Olgen Roots, ×2 Saphire Berries, ×10 pink mushrooms (these are easily obtained on Pulatenate).

I said okay and left to get those ingredients, which I did easily thanks to my Pocket Dimension Ring and Portal thingy. I think she thought this was very hard. It wasn't, and I got back to her in 10 minutes.

Saying she was surprised was an understatement, she was more like flabbergasted. She took the ingredients and said, "Yep, you're definitely worthy of the Legendary Secret Spell, 'Special Manga'. It's a spell that will show someone only the Manga that appeals to them. You don't even need to have any Manga books. The Manga books will just materialize once someone enters the radius of the spell."

I couldn't wait to learn this spell! I'll definitely use it on myself, and maybe my friends too. She also said that I'm not allowed to teach anyone the spell unless I tell her. Pretty reasonable considering how epic this spell is.

After a few hours of learning she taught me the spell and I have finally mastered it (although the incantation took most of the time to get right). I thanked her profusely and went home.

Since I can use magic now (I can only use one spell) I guess I could say I'm, a Wizard! As I shouted that statement I realized I only know one spell. So I should learn more!

Okay, who do I know that knows how to cast spells? There's Skylor (flashbacks of Skylor's personality come flooding in), or not. Oh! Maybe I'll learn Alchemy instead, and throw potions at people! What Alchemist do I know though?

Nadeema! She's an Alchemist (although a clumsy one)! Ok, I'll just cash in this favor card and I'll be good to go. I tore the card into two pieces, and a summoning circle appeared in front of me.

Nadeema popped out of the ground holding a watering can (wished I'd got a better scene). She said what do I want and I just said, "You can teach Alchemy right?" She said, "Obviously I Nadeema Demonica am a GREAT Alchemist!"

I asked her to teach me and she said that she'll do it later because she was clearly busy (seriously? Plants are more important than teaching me Alchemy?). You know, that's something I thought Lameez would say with how sarcastic she is.

I waited for like an hour for her to come to my house. How much plants does she have?! She finally arrived by the door. Once I opened I saw her wearing a Lab coat and goggles. I feel like this is going to be dangerous.

A few hours (10 hours) into her session of teaching me and it was night. She left and I learnt how not to do Alchemy. Maybe I'll rather hire somebody to teach me. At least she taught me various ways to make an explosion.

The next day I was scrolling on my phone looking for a Magic Tutor (Alchemy was too hard okay! Also, there were so much explosions it would probably attract Megumin!). I found one that only charges 100 Zoxcoins a day! That may be more than one weeks groceries but it's nothing compared to my salary! Wait, why is my salary so high? Let's not think about that logic.

So, I hired the tutor (who has 5 years of experience) and waited for her to come to my house. While I was waiting I was reading the description of the tutor and realized that the tutor, was Yusalin! That means, my tutor, was Yusalin, the world destroyer! Maybe not, maybe I'm overthinking. Yeah, that should be it. There's no way I gave Yusalin the world destroyer, my address.

I calmed down a little when I heard a knock on the door. Let's just hope it's not the bad Yusalin. I opened the door and got so shocked that I fainted!

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