Not-Evil Tutor

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I realized that Yusalin does not look like how Uzair described her to be and she was beautiful! Almost as beautiful as I am handsome (and delusional!)! I let her inside (just going to ignore the fact I fainted).

2 hours into her tutoring and I already learnt Three Spells! Now I can shoot lightning from my hand, breathe underwater (for 30 minutes), and last but definitely not least, I can teleport to a random place 300m away! The last one shall only be for emergencies since it's random.

I'm starting to feel like Uzair gave me some false information when I first visited his ghost. Do they have a history or something? Ah well, won't worry about that. I'm learning over here! Very quickly too. Apparently not all spells need to have an incantation and all you need to do is some hand signs.

After a few more hours of tutoring she went home, and I went to sleep because using magic is tiring, especially when you cast the same spells repeatedly. Off to bed I go! Oh wait! I Forgot that I have to first read some Manga before I sleep!

Okay, now I'm off to bed. I walked to my be, lifted up the blanket, and climbed in. I was about to fall asleep when I felt something was off behind me. So I turned around and saw someone in my bed! They just said, "Hey, you got a second?"

I jumped out of my bed and went, "Who the hell are you?!" It was dark and my eyes did not adjust so I couldn't see who it was (although the voice sounded familiar).

I turned on my Five Nights At Freddy's nightlight and saw it was Yusalin! Also in her Pajamas for some reason. How did she even get back into my house?! Oh yeah, she's a Witch.

I asked her what she's doing in my damn bed and she said, "Well, you see, I have a favor to ask." I just said, "So, instead of knocking on the door, or just not leaving, you snuck into my bed, to ask for a favor?" The expression on her face changed as she realized that she did a stupid thing.

I then said, "Anyway, what is it that is so important you had to desturb my sleep?" She responded and said, "Well, you are really good at magic since you learned so fast, and you don't get that tired after casting a huge spell, so..." Flattery? Really? She continued, "Could you please lift my curse? After accidentally knocking over an Arch Wizard, he cursed me to only be able to cast low level spells."

That doesn't sound too bad so it should be easy to help her, right? I asked her what was the reversal spell and she said that the reversal spell was a powerful spell called 'Nonlolevlious' (Non-low-lev-lious). Apparently it takes a lot, and I mean a lot, of Power and energy.

It took me 5 hours to correctly cast the spell, and it actually worked! Although I was tired and it was early in the morning, I was happy I was able to cast such a hard spell and help someone at the same time.

Who would have thought I could become such a powerful Wizard in only a day (I only knew a total of 5 spells)! A few more weeks of Yusalin's tutoring and I could probably be an Arch Wizard! That would be nice.

So now Yusalin actually went home and I finally got some sleep. That was fun, and very tiring. Let's focus on sleeping and just, head, to be- (I fell asleep).

I haven't cooked in a long time, and I've only ever cooked toast (I've also put instant noodles in the microwave more than once). Oh! I'll invite all my friends and I'll make a feast! With my salary, ingredients should be no problem! The only problem is my cooking skills.

Hmm, I could just cook some easy stuff like Fries, Beef stew, Takoyaki (always wanted to taste that), Beef cutlets, and last but definitely not least, Sushi! This is going to be very entertaining. Especially when they eat the food hehehe.

Now! On to the cooking! But first, watching some cooking videos! I watched cooking videos for almost 8 hours! I could have watched so much Anime episodes. But it will be worth it once I see the looks on their faces when they see I can cook!

Okay so I do this, add a little bit of this, can't forget to sprinkle some of that, oh yeah I have to add some of these and done! Voila! Homemade (purple) beef stew by yours truly. I'll get Tylor to taste test this.

I called him down stairs and convinced him to taste the foul smelling purple Beef stew. He said it tasted a lot better than it looked (so is it good or okay? It looked terrible!). I asked him to rate it out of 10 and he gave it a 6/10! That's practically the level of Soma Yukihira!

I need to at least get a 7 or higher before inviting everyone. Although I raised my cooking skills from 0/10 to 6/10 in less than half a day so I should be good by tomorrow. Now, let's get experime- I mean cooking! Yeah cooking!

So far I made Beef stew, Fries, Sushi, and Takoyaki. He gave almost everything a 6/10, but for the Sushi he gave it a 7/10. Yes! I have achieved my goal of becoming an average chef! Thank goodness I ordered some good fish for the sushi.

Although I was excited for the Takoyaki, tasting the ones I made was a bad idea. If only it was like the ones in the Anime series that I keep seeing. Maybe I shouldn't compare real life food to Anime food.

It was already the next day, I had gotten so caught up in cooking that I hadn't noticed the time just flying by. At least I got all my dishes to a 7/10. Now was the time to invite everyone!

After I get some rest of course. There is no way I can cook anymore with how tired I am right now. Let me just take a nap real quick. It won't be long (I slept for almost 10 hours).

Okay, now that I'm rested I should go and buy some ingredients since I used all of them while practicing. Off to the grocery store I go! I can not forget my wallet again.

Let's see, what should I make? I will just make all the dishes I practiced. That way it will surely be a feast with that many dishes! Ok, now to invite everyone. This will be so much fun!

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