Meeting the Hair Stlyist

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I walked around the movie set looking at all the bright lights and set pieces.Everything was so interesting that I couldn't take my eyes off of any of it.I almost didn't hear my best friend Chris Evans calling my name.

"Hey Seb liking the set?Its so big in here and everything is so cool I just wanna touch it all. They're ready for us to meet our hair and makeup crew so let's hurry before all the cute ones are taken.Don't be surprised if I have someone's number by the end of the day."Chris is like an flirty adult child which I find really funny.He always has a way of making jokes out of a situation and turning it into a major flirt session.

"Alright I'm coming Chris let's go see who gets to spend most of the day doing our hair and makeup when we're not shooting scenes."I playfully slapped his shoulder and walked with him over to our trailers.We were met by our fellow cast mates as they waited excitedly to meet their hair and makeup artists too.

"All right then everybody head inside your trailer and introduce yourselves.Your crew mate should already be in there.Be nice to them because they will be spending most of their time with you for the entire time we shoot this movie.Once you get to know each other then they will get started on your hair and makeup so we can begin shooting.If there are no questions you can go to your trailers for now."The stage hand pointed to our trailers and walked away to go help out around set.

I walked over to the trailer with my name and walked inside.I expected to see someone about my age or a little younger but instead I saw a young teen organizing things around and listening to Disney music on their phone.The music was a little loud so she didn't hear me come in.

"Um hello I was looking for my hair and makeup artist so I came in here but found you. Do you know who that might be or where I can find them.I would really appreciate it doll." I lightly tapped her shoulder which made her jump ten feet in the air and shriek in surprise. She dropped what was in her hands and accidentally slipped on them.She tripped over her own feet and nearly fell and banged her head but I caught her last second.She looked at me in surprise and blushed a deep shade of pink.It was kinda cute so I helped her clean up and make sure she was alright.

"You scared me but that was my fault I shouldn't have had my music up so I couldn't hear you come in.I'm Brittany your hair and makeup artist.I know I'm young but I can work wonders."She smiled a little but didn't look me in the eyes so I'm guessing she's kinda shy.Well other than the obvious signs like her shaking hands and legs tapping the floor really fast.

"It's ok doll seriously it was my fault I should know better than to tap someone on the shoulder and try talking to them when they have loud music playing.I'm Sebastian Stan by the way I'll be playing James Buchanan Bucky Barnes.You can just call me Seb if you want. How old are you anyway oh and Brittany is a really pretty name but I think I'll stick to calling you doll if you don't mind.I'll call you whatever name you want it doesn't really matter to me cause it's up to you."I was just rambling at this point but she seemed to find it kinda funny cause she relaxed a little.

"Your forgiven Seb and I'm 13 going on 14 this Saturday.You can call me whatever you want and I'll be fine with it.I know my way around set so just ask me if you have any questions or need something.I promise not to be annoying or play my Disney music all the time.If you want to listen to something else just ask and I'll turn it on.I'll respect your privacy and not pry or be nosy if you can do the same for me.Some topics are a bit touchy and I'd rather not discuss them.Also no bananas,pineapples,nuts, cherries,watermelons,or oranges cause I'm allergic to all of those. I'm not a real talkative person but that might change once I get to know you and feel comfortable around you.You just gotta be patient with me and not super pushy."She started looking around the room to avoid eye contact.

"Ok doll I can agree to all of that and I'll try my best not to be a huge problem.I don't mind the Disney music cause it's actually kind of nice.I totally understand not being a huge fan of talking so don't worry about me asking too many questions.Hopefully we can get to be friends but I promise not to rush it or lose my patience cause I'm really just chill and laid back pretty much all of the time."She looked at me for a quick second then turned away and finished organizing.

She's about 5 foot 3 and 1/2 with curly black hair and beautiful brown eyes hidden behind glasses.She has on a bright pink Lilo and Stitch short sleeve shirt with black jeggings and pink high top Converse and a blue Jean denim jacket.She's really pretty and sweet and her nervous habits are really cute.Her nervous laugh is adorable too.

"Thanks Seb how about we get started with your hair and makeup for the movie so your not late to set.We have 4 hours to work with so that should be more than enough time to do everything."She still wouldn't look at me but motioned over to a chair in front of a mirror near the door.I sat down as she instructed and let her start working her magic.

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