Surprise Party

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It was early Saturday morning and I walked into my trailer with Chris.I told him it was Brittany's birthday and since today was a free day of no shooting we decided to have a surprise party for her.We knew she would be here organizing everything so she wouldn't have to do it Monday when shooting picked back up.

"Happy Birthday Brittany!!"She turned around and saw me and Chris then wrapped us in a big hug. "Thanks guys it's nice to know you remembered.I'm not surprised you remembered Seb cause your just that sweet that you actually remember important stuff like my birthday. I'm surprised Chris remembered cause I thought he would be to busy flirting and collecting names and numbers and asking girls out to remember.I know Loki is the on screen flirt but off screen it's really you Chris.Nobody is better at flirting than you not even the God of Mischief himself.I don't see how you didn't get the role of Tony Stark either cause you do make your way through a lot of girls just like him too.I can see where he learned it from. He put his hands over his heart and faked being hurt like the child he is.

"Oh that really hurt kid you got me right in the heart.Don't compare me to that wildcard trouble maker.Definitely don't compare me to that billionaire playboy either cause that's just wrong.You really know how to make a guy feel hurt don't ya kid.I'll let you slide on this one just this once cause it's your birthday."Me and Seb just laughed at his childish antics as we high fives over the jokes I used on him.It was funny seeing Chris acting like this.

"Wow you really know how to get him fired up early in the morning doll and I respect that. Let's just hope you have the same energy when we take you to where we're going.It's nothing big and crazy just small and not a lot of people just how you like it.Don't ask any questions just come with us."She had a puzzled expression then just shrugged her shoulders and came with us with no fuss or fight.We walked her down to the main studio where everybody was and covered her eyes so she couldn't see anything.

"Surprise!Happy Birthday!"We uncovered her eyes and showed her the surprise party we put together with the cast.It was just us cast and crew members and nobody else.She had a huge grin on her face as she turned and hugged me and Chris again."Wow this is incredible thank you guys so much.This is the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me."She looked like a little kid in the toy aisle at a store which is really amusing.She stared in awe at all the decorations and games in the room but went totally crazy when she saw the Piñata.She started squealing in delight and jumping up and down.

We played pin the tail on the donkey,made different items out of balloons,painted each other's faces and ate tons of food.There was pizza,punch,cake,ice cream,root beer,and tons of candy and goodie bags.Brittany went first to hit the Piñata and cracked it clean through the middle.It almost burst but still held strong.We all took swings at it and a few people hit it but most just missed it due to the blindfold.Chris missed it entirely and I managed to hit it a few times.Brittany swung at it again and hit it so hard that it split in half and burst open.Candy from the inside flew everywhere as the Piñata came flying off its hook and shot clean across the room.We all started scrambling for Candy and acting like kids as we all laughed and enjoyed the party atmosphere.

This was the happiest I've ever seen Brittany in the short time that I've known her.We partied all day and ate tons of food and candy until it was time for cake.We sang happy birthday then watched her blow out the candles on her 4 layer pink and white decorated cake.We ate almost half the cake and continued to party until it was late at night.We all helped clean up then called it a night and took our party bags then went home.Brittany thanked us one last time for the party then hopped in the car with who I assume might be her parents.

She drove off with a happy but sleepy look on her face as she zoomed out of sight.I caught a ride home with Chris who was starting to get tired too.I let him crash at my place for the night so he wouldn't fall asleep behind the wheel.We turned in early for the night because we were too tired to stay up any later.I texted Brittany to make sure she made it home safely before going to sleep.

Seb:Hey doll you make it home safely tonight?

Doll:Yes Seb. I'm tired so I'm going to bed now

Seb:Good Night Doll

Doll:Good Night Seb

I smiled as I put my phone down and crawled in bed.Chris was in the guest room down the hall because I told him to sleep there instead of the couch.He was too tired to argue so he just gave in.As soon as my head hit the pillow it was lights out.

I woke up to a massive headache as a result of the crazy sugar rush we all went through yesterday and went to find some Aspirin and water.Chris looked just as messed up as me when I walked in the kitchen and found him looking through the drawers.He found them in one of the junk drawers and we each took one pill and downed it with water.I went to lay back down and try to sleep off the headache while Chris went back to his room to do the same.I texted Brittany to see if she was up and feeling alright after all the fun from yesterday.

Seb:Hey doll you up?How you feeling after the craziness and sugar rush from yesterday?

Doll:I'm up and have a splitting headache.That was the first and only time I ever eat that much junk food and cake in one day.

Seb:Me and Chris have headaches too and we're about to try to nap it off you should probably do the same

Doll:I'll try but it won't feel the same without being able to cuddle with you like we do during your breaks on set.I wanna cuddle with you right now

Seb:I love our cuddle sessions too and now your making me wanna cuddle with you too. I'll text you later when I wake up Doll

Doll:Ok talk to you later Seb

I put my phone down and fell asleep for what could've been all day but was actually just 4 hours.I felt a lot better but my head still hurt a little bit.I decided to eat leftovers for lunch since it was already after 12.I made some for Chris too and left it on the counter for him to find.He popped out of his room fresh from his nap looking sleepy but a lot happier as he spotted the food.He made a beeline for it without a care in the world.He mumbled hello to me through a mouthful of food and thanked me for letting him stay the night.I told him no worries and that I was just gonna be lazy around the house today and he was more than welcome to join me.

I had on sweatpants and a t-shirt with some house slippers and a house robe to pull the lazy day look together.I curled up on the couch with a pillow and blanket then just pulled up Netflix as Chris joined me.I also texted Brittany to let her know I was up before I forgot.She was happy to hear from me and said she felt better too and had no plans for today.I put the phone down and played a random movie to kill time and ended up having a full on movie fest with Chris for the day.

At the end of the day we went to our separate rooms and turned in for the night so we could get up early for a long day of shooting for the movie.

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