Being Accepted

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Today shooting was short since we were coming to the end of the movie.We we're expected to wrap up the movie around the end of the week.We didn't have to be at the set until noon so it gave me,Chris,and Brittany the chance to sleep in then get to know each other.

Me and Chris got up around 9 but Brittany was still asleep so we didn't bother her.She could really use some rest after the events of yesterday and early this morning.It makes me sick just thinking about all the cruel messed up things the world does to kids like her.I wish there was a way to take away all her pain and replace it with joy.She deserves that much and more after all the rejections and neglect she's been through.

I made eggs,bacon,and pancakes for breakfast with a side of orange juice.Me and Chris ate breakfast after I fixed Brittany a plate and put it away for her.We mostly just chatted about all Brittany had been through and how we could help her out.We chatted for about an hour when we heard the sound of feet shuffling across the floor.She was still in her pjs and looked sleepy and confused as she looked around."Chris,Seb where am I and how did I get here.I don't remember coming here at all and the last thing I remember is going back home after shooting was done for the day yesterday."She came over and hugged each of us as she started looking for food.I heated up her plate and gave it too her as I explained what happened.

"You don't remember last night at all Doll? You got into a fight with the person running the group home you were staying at and got kicked out.It was pouring rain and a little after 2:30 in the morning when you called me and asked me to come pick you up.When you got here you were soaking wet with rain so you hopped in the shower and then explained your situation to us.You told us everything about the hopping from group home to group home,never being adopted,having the possibility of going to Juvie until your 18 if you don't get adopted by your 15th birthday,being left in a dumpster and nearly killed by a garbage compactor when you were born,being on Anxiety and Depression meds,everything.You were looking pretty rough so me and Chris bandaged you up and speaking of that we need to change your bandages out when your done eating.Shooting will be short today and we should have the movie wrapped up by the end of the week so we don't have to be to set until 12."

"I thought I was just dreaming,I didn't know all that really happened last night.I hope it wasn't to much trouble taking me in and hearing all that bad stuff about me that early in the morning."She had a pink blush of embarrassment on her face as she started avoiding eye contact again.

"It's alright kid we're just glad you finally opened up and came clean about yourself cause now we can try and help you figure out what to do from here.We already had the incident from last night taken care of and those people shouldn't bother you anymore."She gave us a warm smile and ate her breakfast as she watched some cartoons on tv.She hummed along to some of the theme songs which made us laugh.She offered to help clean up but we told her to go relax.

She gave in and limped a little over to the couch to continue watching tv.I heard her try to muffle her wince of pain as she sat down. We cleaned up then made sure to change out Brittany's bandages and check her black eye which seemed to have gotten lots better.The swelling went down a bunch and she could open it a little bit.She was fully awake by the time we cleaned her up and limped slightly over to her room to change clothes.We left for set around 11:30 since I only lived 10 minutes away,20 depending on the traffic.

We walked over to our trailers a little slower than usual to help Brittany since she still had a limp and sore cuts and bruises from the fight. Chris went to his trailer while me and Brittany went to my trailer.She was a little worn out after the brief walk so I found her a rolling chair to sit in while she worked on me.I told her to take breaks when she needed to and not to overwork herself so she didn't tire herself out.She agreed to work at her own pace then gave me a sad puppy dog eye look.

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