Court Date

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Monday rolled around and I made my way to hair and makeup with Chris only to find a note taped to my trailer door.It was from Brittany saying I would be in Chris' trailer for hair and makeup today while she was gone and she would text or call me when she was done.I walked into Chris' trailer and noticed a second woman standing in front of a chair waiting for me.She was closer to my age and decent looking but no where near as pretty as Brittany.

I sat in the chair and let her get to work.Her hands were rougher than Brittany's and didn't have her delicate touch.I couldn't help but start thinking about her as I wondered how she was holding up in court.I felt a tug at my hair as the lady pulled at the knots to detangle them.I missed how Brittany would soften my hair with shampoo and conditioner before detangling my hair with moisturizer and running a comb through it and a soft brush afterwards.I started imagining her giggle as she her me sigh in relief at how good it felt.I started seeing her smile as we first met-it was small and almost unnoticeable but still there.This lady took longer than Brittany did and didn't make small talk or play music or let me take breaks.Time went by slowly without Brittany and I missed her real bad.

We shot a bunch of different scenes all day and had to get our hair and makeup redone multiple times.I checked my phone every chance I got but still nothing from Brittany.We we're on our last break of the day and it was 2 hours long so I decided to visit my trailer for a quick nap.I opened the door and found Brittany curled up on the couch crying with her back to me.She heard the door open and when she saw me she bolted towards me and just wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Seb court was really hard today and I missed you so much.I have to keep going back every 6 months so they can see if I'm making any progress or if things are still the same.If my current status doesn't change soon then outside forces are gonna get involved and I might not see you again.I don't wanna be taken away from you or Chris cause I like being friends with you guys.So much went on today and I just need to cry it out with you then talk later but right now all I need is a cuddle session please.I just got here like 10 minutes ago."

I just walked over with her to the couch and let her cry until she felt better.I rubbed her back and sang one of the Disney songs she listens to all the time which made her smile.Chris came in looking for me and saw us then joined the hug when he saw Brittany crying.She told him the same things she told me and he just hugged her more.

"Oh kid I'm so sorry things got rough for you and we couldn't be there but we're here now so you can talk to us if it'll make you feel better." Chris wiped her tears as she hugged us both to calm down.

"Everything's alright doll just breathe we got you ok and nobody will ever take you away from us no matter how hard and long they try. Me and Chris are here to protect you no matter what.We're with you till the end of the line and that'll never change."She calmed down after a long hug from both of us and just laid in silence as we cuddled to cheer her up.She was her usual happy self again after some comforting from me and Chris but she still had a guilty look in her eyes."Guys I have a confession to make.I have something I've been wanting to tell you guys but there never seemed to be a good time to bring it up.You guys can go finish shooting scenes for today and I'll just tell you afterwards."

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