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Man!! We used each other like it was nothing... I was down for him and he was down for me to a certain extent. But it wasn't healthy, like a modern day Bonnie. He was the endrillen rush that I  was feening... In the back of my mind I knew I shouldn't have been doing anything for him or riding for him. There was a trauma bond that had me attached to him... It was him I was hooked too. Wasn't even the Dick!  It was him, he just had a way with me. My dumb ass let him lead and I shouldn't have even followed!But  I couldn't walk away even if I wanted too. Sometimes I could go MIA for few weeks but nothing longer then three weeks. It just didn't make any sense, but I couldn't let go. At times I felt like I had sold my soul to devil.... It was a given and take, and the more I took the more I felt like I owed him or in debt to him.... It was so hard to explain.

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