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You ever fuck a man or deal with a man and be like what the fuck was I thinking?! How ever my dumb ass couldn't leave him alone! For some damn odd reason. Bruh I was about to be stuck with this man for almost life. Till God had other plans. God surely was looking out for me on this one..... so I had been dealing with him for a few mths, ended up getting pregnant. He said he was fine with it, Bc I clearly told him don't be shooting up the club! But what the fuck this man do? Shot the club up!! Hell I really don't think he cared I was pregnant.Bc he damn sure didn't care when we lost her at 20weeks. I just kept going back to him or wanting him around. No matter how much he treated me like I didn't exist etc... I know I'm a big dummy! Like hell the sex wasn't even that great! He had size but he only gave back shots, and wanted head. Now I'm not going to toot my own horn but baby, my throat game and pussy isn't trash. When I tell you he was SOOOO QUIET every time we fucked, it was ridiculous. The worst part was is he didn't touch or smack a Ass or hell even assist me sucking his dick! Hell hold a bitches hair, matter a fact shove my neck on that Dick! He just was boring and stiff, the worst part was his he would push down on my back like a Mfer! I'd have bruises afterwards! Like what the hell bruh. However when I was pregnant he was little touchy feely and not boring! But for some reason I'm attached to him and don't know why! Now I will say he loved my juicy ass in some Lingerie and fishnets, definitely wasn't that money dealing with him. His reactions were always priceless.
I wanted to give him my love and know him, know him. It's like we continue to keep dealing with one another, but he doesn't want to make it public or do anything other then have sex. Sure I've expressed it way back in the beginning. However clearly neither one of us are going any where. He complains, I complain about him and yet knowone is going anywhere. I mean hell he tells his boys I'm his "bitch" like marking your territory.. I just don't think he understands how much love and support I wanna give him. Maybe the universe will smack him over his head.

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