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- [x] I was the taker, and he was my rider.  I was the toxicity in his life.... Better call on Tyrone as Erika use to sing  but the complete opposite. Anytime I called Tyrone he came running. Anytime I said Jump, he surely came jumping asking how high? Anything and everything I wanted  I got. The chemistry we had was so strong for the first couple months it happened anywhere at anytime, even on a playground. It was what I needed, I just couldn't let him be. And clearly he felt the same way towards me. this had been an on going thing for years. He was the chocolate to my caramel.. He knew my body, better then I knew my body... the way things were with us, is I could be riding him and my juices would just flow every where as I also had a mental orgasm. Hell at some points I thought my neighbors would be fucking to our sex life. Like watching a porno. Y'all ever break the bed before? Too many times. I was his happy secret and he was my good hoe. I kept him around for everything. Can't let the good dick go. I felt comfortable enough to eventually share him.

To be continued.

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