Chapter 14

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They didn't know where the Kings were or when they would return. Speed was critical. Emya ran to her house, and when she arrived, she threw her clothes, the little food she had, and matches into a bag. Almost as an afterthought, she grabbed her old knife, placing carefully on top of the other items so it was easily accessible.

She quickly returned to the throne room and found that the Kings were still absent. Near the door stood the Shadow, pale and sickly, but resolved. He took an unsteady step towards her. She hurried to his side and put his arm around her shoulders. She'd never realized how much taller he was until she was standing next to him. He had at least a head and a half on her.

The sun had set they found when they peeked out the door. There was no moonlight in the silent village square. A tingling tinge of magic rippled over them. The Shadow straightened up and looked around sharply.

"They've conjured a barrier," he said softly. "It keeps the villagers away."

"Will it let us through?"

"I think so," he said after a moment. "But it might not let us back in."

Emya nodded. Returning was of no consequence to her, as she had no intention of ever setting foot in the throne room again.

Fresh air and the prospect of freedom seemed to spur him forward as she helped him along through the square. As they passed through the barrier, the silence broke into the sounds of laughing and screaming. The revelry seemed to be contained to the festival grounds as they walked through the deserted streets. When they neared the market the Shadow froze, forcing her to stop.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You said the Kings put a spell on the villagers?" he murmured

"Yes, but I used the object to break it. Did they put another one on them?"

He shook his head.

"This is no magic of the Kings or the object. We must go," he said urgently.

She adjusted her hold on him to support him more securely. Together they continued on through the village, he hobbled along beside her, sweaty and pale. They stopped when they arrived at the festival.

The stalls were abandoned, some destroyed, and their contents scattered in the streets. Lamps cast their dimmed yellow light over the ground where the villagers lounged, laughing, crying, and screeching in delight. A few wandered aimlessly, swaying drunkenly and tripping over debris, as it had been in her nightmare.

Emya and the Shadow avoided stepping on villagers by moving carefully over and around them, no easy task as the villagers would suddenly roll or flop to one side or another as if trying to get under their feet. Unless Emya and the Shadow drew near, the villagers would take no notice of them.

The Shadow wasn't heavy, diminished as he was, but still she struggled to hold him as he stumbled over the uneven path. A pair of villagers danced drunkenly past, bumping into him, nearly knocking them over.

"We're almost there," she whispered. The last few stalls were before them and Emya could see the road. Between the last two booths, someone stumbled out into their path. Emya stopped and backed away. Kamala swayed from side to side, tottering towards them, her face twisted in rage.

"You did this!" she screamed, unhinged. "You brought this curse upon us!"

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