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Song Recommendations : Put Your Head On My Shoulder By Frank Sinatra

Song Recommendations : Put Your Head On My Shoulder By Frank Sinatra

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Chapter 2 : Naïve

Gracie-Mae had gotten home hours ago. She had distracted herself with showering and making dinner, getting ready for tomorrow even read a book but here she sits. In the middle of her big couch in the main room of her apartment with a movie playing on the small television as she waits for a text or call or something.


Gracie-Mae had thought the name suit him. For some reason when she had heard it and they way his eyes twinkled a little when she had said it, it had seemed right to call him by his name.

Now she was up waiting for Adonis to call. She never knew she expected him to call tonight, in fact she had been telling herself all day he wouldn't have called her today but now that she was not distracted, she was wishing that he would call her.

That he wanted to talk more after the little time together as much as she wanted to. Yet with no contact at all she was doubting herself.


Gracie-Mae jumped as her phone vibrated on the table where she was staring at it. Quickly she goes to grab it letting it detect her face before it showed the message. Disappointment filled her as she looked at the message from her boss reminding everyone of their schedules.

She scoffed at herself. 'what are you even thinking Gracie-Mae! He's a stranger you don't want him texting you' Her inner thoughts say, only to ease herself of the hurt.

After waiting another ten minutes she had given up. Getting up she walks to her bedroom closing the door and lopping down on the bed. Being in already comfterble clothes Gracie-Mae curls up on her neatly made bed falling asleep.

Ring!Ring!Ring Ring!Ring!R-

"Hello?" Gracie-Maes tired voice answers the phone.

"Gracie-Mae?" A deep male voice asked

She is quick to get out of her sleepy daze "Yes who's this?" She asks

"I'm a friend of Hawks." Adonis, she corrects in her mind "He's... quite a mess right now and he's been saying your name four almost three hours. Can you come calm him down?" The friend asks

'NO! You will not go to a strangers house at four a.m.' Her thoughts tell her yet the words that come out of her mouth are the opposite.

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