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Song Recommendation : Romeo and Juliet By Peter McPoland

Song Recommendation : Romeo and Juliet By Peter McPoland

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Chapter 3 : MC

Waking up Gracie-Mae had felt she was surrounded by warmth. She didn't want to open her eyes. She moves closer to where the warmth is coming from peacefully trying to fall back asleep until she feels it vibrate and hears a laugh come from the warmth.

Quickly scrambling to move away Gracie-Mae falls off the side of the bed with an squeal and she heard heavy footsteps thump to her side.

"Jesus sweetheart" Adonis says kneeling down in front of her "Are you okay?" He asks

Gracie-Mae still kneeling to her level as he brings his hand to feel for bumps on the back of her head. He was to focused on her health that he didn't notice her blushing and mindlessly drooling over the shirtless Adonis facing her right now.

Clearing her throat Gracie-Mae looks to her feet and nods her head as a yes. Adonis stands up and leaves his hand out for her. She grabs it and almost falls forward when he pulls her up with such strength. "Shit, I forgot how light you are" He says a slight smile on his lips looking to the petite blonde.

She only scoffs and lightly slaps his chest only reminding him that he was shirtless with a grumble of words Adonis disappears to his closet as Gracie-Mae straightens out her pajamas of a shirt and shorts.

Adonis walks back inside this time with a tight black t-shirt hugging his mountains of arm muscles and black sport shorts.

"Hungry?" Adonis asks Gracie-Mae grabbing her hand already heading out the hallway and down the stairs.

Gracie-Mae giggles "Yeah" She says and they soon are in the kitchen. Adonis sets her down on the stool and goes to the fridge opening it looking around and grabbing every other thing he can. "Why do they call you Hawk? Is it like a nickname?" Gracie-Mae asks curiously while Adonis is busy to make her a breakfast.

"Well, how do I really explain it..." He grumbles "You saw the cut I was wearing at the diner right?" He asks glancing over his shoulder. She slightly tilts her head "Cut?" She asks.

Adonis only lets a breathy laugh out of his mouth before turning back around "No sweetheart, a cut is a jacket " He explains and Gracie-Mae lets out a oh before humming a yes urging him to continue "Well, I'm in a MC, The Rippers, and I am the one that looks out for everything. I see all who betray us, see all who are enemies and all who are important." He says to her

"Are you guys... dangerous?" She asks slightly timid. Knowing Adonis for less then a day she had still known in her heart he was a good man. He did not seem like one to harm anyone, in fact he had seemed childish, well except when he broke glass and was fuming.

Adonis sighs stopping his movements looking down at the plate of toast with strawberry jam and slices of apples. "Yes and no" He answers. Turning around he slides the plate to her and rests his hands on the counter top as he looks at the floor. Gracie-Mae pushes the plate aside and slowly hold Adonis's hands. He laughs after a few seconds of silences and brings her hand to his lips leaving a light kiss.

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