3. Peter-Man

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You woke up from the cold ground. Where were you? Memories of your fight last night come flooding back to you, sitting up you checked the bandaged. They were crusty from dried blood so you quickly replaced them. The blood has dried itself to the bandages so it hurt to rip off. Looking up to sky, you notice that the sun has risen. Hopefully Margaret and John didn't notice your absence.

But you aren't that lucky.

Time skip cause I'm lazy (`・ω')

School was painful. You hadn't eaten in ages and the John was quite harsh after your little adventure. Teachers still called on you in class, you've been going here for years, how stupid are they? Today was indifferent. Until...

'Hi, I'm Peter Parker!'

Maybe school wasn't that bad, Peter was nice and super cute (not that way I swear). He was a literal puppy. He hung out with you all week and you even got to know his friends, Ned and MJ! He didn't even seem to care you didn't talk. This was too nice, you felt like you didn't deserve this, since when were you allowed to be happy. 'Y/N?' Peters voice snapped you out of your thoughts, 'Were you listening?'
'Sorry, I was thinking' You wrote down. Your new friends had started learning sign language which meant the world to you but they weren't that good yet so you mostly wrote stuff down.
'Do you wanna come to my place after school? Aunt May is making spaghetti! We're planning on studying for the chemistry test.'
'Sorry I've got help out at home, maybe next time.' You wrote. That was a lie, you had plans to go on patrol this afternoon.
'That's all good. Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask, what's with the gloves?' Ned questioned. Crap, you couldn't tell them why. 'Oh yeah I have magic powers that suck the energy from anything I touch' like they'll believe that, and it's too risky giving away your identity. Wait you've gotta answer, you're just leaving him hanging. 'Bad circulation.'
MJ giggled, 'you're like an old man, are you sure you're 16.' Funny you mention that...

Steve's POV
We all headed straight to bed after our mission, but I don't think any of us slept. That thing on her back... and she looked so young.

As soon as the sun rose I went to the gym, I definitely needed to punch some stuff.

Hehe another time skip (sorry) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

After a couple hours in the gym, I decided to get some lunch. I headed up to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich, when Fury called. I made my way into the living room where the others were.
'Jarvis, what does the pirate want?'
'It appears sir, he wants a report of your mission on Silent Ash.'
We all looked at each other, we hadn't talked about what we had found.
'Thanks J. Well, clearly she's with Hydra.' Tony states,
'I feel like she isn't, something about her, it just feels off. Maybes she's like Bucky.' I say.
'Bucky, did you recognise her?' Nat questions.
'No... I think I remember guards talking about her though, said she was a monster. I think she had even more kills than I did.'
'I think it's pretty clear now, let's let eyepatch know,' Tony seems certain that she's bad.
'But would they have to b-brand her if she wanted to be there.' Bruce counters.
'She could have been brain washed, I think we try and talk to her again.' Nat reasons.
'Well it's decided, next time she's out we'll go after her. We're going to talk but be prepared in case she attacks.'

A/N tysm for 80 reads!! Sorry it's been a while, I got caught up in school but it's school holidays so I have no excuses (^ω^)

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