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"RAPUNZEL, YOU TWIT, GET BACK HERE!" I yell at the blond-haired girl. She has my bow in her hand, which is not okay.

"You gotta catch me!" Rapunzel laughs, running faster. I chase after her, Jack following both of us, chuckling.

"JACK, THIS AIN'T FUNNY!" I shout at him, clipping him in the chin.

"OW!" Jack winces, holding his chin. "What'd ya do that for?" he asks.

"Because yer an idiot," I reply, then go chasing after Punz.

I follow the trail of golden hair, anger pulsing through my body. Not a funny prank, Punzie!

Eventually, I catch up to her, making sure to step on her hair, and pry my bow out of her hands.

"Yer a pain in the neck, know that?" I say to Rapunzel. She just giggles in reply, and I can't help but give a slight smile.

Hiccup comes into the room that we're in, (which is Punzie's), dragging an apprehensive looking Jack with him.

"What happened?" Hiccup asks, putting on his famous 'I'm not amused' face.

"Punzie stole my bow and Jack was being an idiot," I explain.

"Nu-uh!" Jack retorts, "I was just laughing at a joke that I heard earlier today, and then you punched me."

"You were followin' Punz and I fer the whole day, watchin' us fight!" I say.

Hiccup sighs, and then looks at Rapunzel. "Your side of the story, please," he says, sounding bored.

"Well...I was playing a harmless prank on Mer, then she got all mad because I stole her bow as part of the prank," Punz says, in that sweet, innocent voice she has.

Hiccup rubs his forehead. "You guys," he says, "are so immature."

"Yes we are," Jack says, hugging Hiccup, "but you know you love us!"

Hiccup slinks out of Jack's hug, just as we hear the voice of North, the leader of the Guardians.

"Come to the Globe Room!" North yells, "Now!"

We all hurry to the Globe Room, unsure of what is happening. I've been to the Globe Room...once? Twice? Hardly any times, that's for sure. Why would North want us there now?


When we've all made way to the Globe Room, I see that all of the Guardians are assembled.

"Máni wants to speak with us," Toothiana, or Tooth, as we call her, says.

Hiccup, Rapunzel, Jack, and I nod. I try to act calm, but there's a large pool of excitement bubbling inside of me. Máni only talks to us when something important happens, so I know that he hasn't gathered us here for the pleasure of our company. Some real stuff is about to go down.

Hello, Guardians. Hello, Four Select, Máni says, I have gathered you here today to discuss the possibility of an addition to the Four Select.

My eyes widen. Another person in the Four-Five-Select? No way! Not to be mean or anything, but we weren't exactly open to the idea of outsiders joining us.

"Seriously, Máni? Another person joining us? No offense to them, but I don't think any of us are up for that," Jack says. I silently thank him for voicing my thoughts.

"That's what I thought when you joined the Guardians," E. Aster Bunnymund, or Bunny, grunts at Jack. Jack glares at him, but stays quiet.

Please, keep an open mind, Máni says, Change can be good.

"When me mum changed into a bear, it wasn't good," I grunt, and hear Bunny snicker.

Protesting her arrival will not work, Máni says, You need her.


Punz, Hic, Jack, and I are all sitting in Hic's room, discussing the possibility of a newcomer.

"I don't think that this whole 'new person' idea is a good one," Hiccup says sourly, absentmindedly playing with his thumbs.

"I agree," Jack says.

"Ditto," I reply.

"Just give this idea a chance, guys! Máni knows what he's doing," Rapunzel insists for the thirty billionth time.

"Punz, I appreciate ya bein' optimistic an' all, but I really don't like the idea of someone else comin' into the Four Select. Ahem, Five Select," I respond.

"You guys are too close-minded," Punzie says, "I'm sure that this'll be just another fun adventure!"

"Sure, Punzie," I reply sarcastically, "And then Toothless is gonna turn into a unicorn."

Rapunzel pouts, "Fine," she says, and our conversation drifts into more juvenile topics, but I can tell that everyone's still thinking about the newcomer dilemma.


A/N: Hola! So, how did you guys like Merida'a point of view? Personally, I love it. I just feel like it's so humorous! I actually laughed while writing this chapter. Anyway, goodbye! -Unicornpig/Reg🐷🌈

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