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I fear that joining the Select has turned me into a complete and utter moron.

Pitch turns to me, yellow eyes alight with cruel amusement. "Queen Elsa of Arendelle," he exclaims, "Isn't it nice to see you again."

I scowl. "The feeling is far from mutual," I snap in reply.

Pitch laughs humorlessly. "My," he grins sickly, "haven't you become feisty?"

I look up at Pitch. "When was I not?" I ask in response.

Pitch smiles and looks down at me. "When your parents died," he laughs, "and when your sister yelled at you during your coronation."

I am tempted to kill Pitch, to freeze his shriveled up, unfeeling heart, but then he will fight back. I am trying to stall, to give the rest of the Select and the Guardians time to flee. So I control myself. I nod. "You are correct," I say, "I suppose I have never put up a fight. I seem to always run, don't I?"

Pitch looks at me, somewhat suspicious. "Yes," his eyes squint, "you do always flee."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rapunzel slowly tip-toeing towards Jack, who is still tied up in nightmare sand. I can tell that Rapunzel intends to free him, but I have dealt with nightmare sand before. It is as solid as diamond.

"Ah, but that is the one thing we have in common," I step closer to Pitch, "You also are a coward."

Pitch glares at me. "Please," he spits, "I am no coward. Even after what the Guardians did to me, I returned to kill them. I am no coward."

"Oh," I say, a quiet laugh escaping my mouth, "I see. You are an idiot."

"And you're just a scared little girl."

I see that, somehow, Rapunzel has broken Jack out of his chains, and the rest of the Select and the Guardians are slowly escaping. My plan has worked.

I look straight at Pitch, quite literally looking fear in the eye. "I," I say, making snow swirl around the room, pushing the rest of my team out of the doors, "am no little girl."

Snow swirls around me, replacing the military outfit I had on when I died with a dress made of ice.

I hold up my hands, gathering power and energy. "I," I smile, snowflakes buzzing around my fingertips, "am the Snow Queen."

And then I shoot a blast of ice at Pitch. The blast is so powerful, I actually fall to the floor. Before I can tell what has happened, I have blacked out, the amount of energy that it took for me to muster that blast of ice unbearable.

I wonder if I have saved the Guardians and the Select, or if I have just delayed another attack.

I am guessing the latter.


A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, and that this chapter is so short! There's this thing called school that really likes to interfere with my fanfiction... - Unicornpig/Reg🐷🌈

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