Chapter 1: Giants

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Bear McCreary - Battlestar Galactica Season 1 - Main Title (US version):

The galaxy isn't what you'd call a friendly place. Some situations require what I describe as special treatment. My crew and I have been selected to handle these cases in the name of the Emperor. For we serve the most powerful military organization in the quadrant: The Imperial Guard.


With no one around, Nami didn't even bother to suppress a yawn as she stepped off the elevator platform on deck two, on her way to her quarters. The Myr'shala followed a route that took the ship into the densely populated galactic core and it would still take a few cycles to reach its destination. After a rather uneventful shift, she decided to catch a nap before their arrival, having a handful of cycles left to kill.

Until she reached the door of her and Moa's quarters and noticed the glowing white symbols forming the text "do not disturb" under its brushed metal surface. With her hand hovering above the door controls in a moment of indecision she wondered why her roommate would use this function. Despite a swift recovery, the illness Moa contracted on Hanaweya II had left her with moments of fatigue and as a result she caught rest more often and slept for longer periods. However, she hadn't noticed her using the function before.

Expecting her friend in bed with the lights out, she was a little surprised to find her sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room between the beds on a floor pillow, with her back turned toward the door. The only light was provided by a circle of small pyramid-shaped candles in front of her. Having removed her uniform top, and with the longer parts of her hair put up into a knot and held together by a clasp, Nami could spot the circle of black symbols tattooed on her back. She sat there motionless, in what looked like a kind of meditative state, although her ears flicked when she heard the sounds of her roommate's entering.

"Uiisa," Nami whispered. "I didn't mean to disturb you. If you need more time I'll come back later."

"Siddown," Moa said in an inviting, yet firm way.

"Are you sure?"

"I mean it. Grab the other pillow and siddown."

With the door closing behind her, Nami tried to determine the best way to reach the space across from her roommate without knocking over any of the candles or the objects placed within the circle of light. Because of the ample space between the beds, and Moa's position in the middle of their quarters, this was doable, provided she slipped past the edge of her own bunk.

Using her long triple-jointed legs to her advantage, she stepped past Moa and her no longer private ceremony, to the other side. Grabbing the other floor pillow next to the low seating table, she placed it on the floor across her friend, careful not to blow out any candles. After lowering herself on the pillow in a similar cross-legged position, she noticed Moa was still in her trance-like state. She had her eyes closed, her arms resting on her thighs and her clawed hands in an open and relaxed state.

Having been invited to take part in a ritual, she decided to mirror her friend and took off her own uniform top which she tossed on her bed. It was very quiet in their quarters. Apart from the hum of the ship's quantum drive, she could only hear the calm and steady rhythm of hers and Moa's breathing. Until her friend spoke a few words in a soft tone in Huna, the most common traditional Fjetanha language.

"Kinayalah aesenni ey disparann. Huhnele ona saleh."

Nami was unsure what to do. She figured if Moa expected her to do anything she would tell. The words were not unknown to her, but the ritual was. In contrast to Moa, she grew up in a modern setting, although she did have relatives who led a more traditional lifestyle. Two women sharing the same cultural heritage, split into very different directions. Even their appearance differed enough for them not to be mistaken for sisters. They did share the signature Fjetanha traits such as their long hair, black beak and strong hands with sharp claws that were not fully retractable. Her two-tone gray skin color was a stark difference from Moa's overall tan brown, with a lighter shade for her neck, belly and part of her chest.

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