Chapter 8: New Horizons

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In many ways, the energy beings from a previously undiscovered realm, whose name could only be expressed as a feeling of joy, were like the Hytharians and Xhi'tha. A hive mind. Each individual was able to represent their entire race as a whole. Many of them were present in the embassy wing, where representatives of other worlds had gathered as well. What began as an attempt to explore new frontiers in another galaxy had resulted in the discovery of an entirely new plain of existence.

"Your universe is very different from ours," one of the creatures explained to Raeth. "We had to alter ourselves and our technology substantially in order to sustain ourselves. These alterations are draining our energy reserves. We shall have to return to our own universe soon."

They also had some trouble in explaining the concepts on which their universe was based. Due to the telepathic link it was possible to show instead of tell, but where the mental images were like pictures of their birthplace to the aliens, to Raeth it was a kind of beauty beyond his full comprehension. In their reality, there were no stars and planets. What he saw with his mind's eye, were rivers of glowing particles, moving to and from fountains of light, with what looked like their ships travelling along these streams. It was like an entire dimension of energy in a perfectly balanced state.

Because the true name of their species could not be pronounced, representatives of other worlds had come up with nicknames as a way of addressing them. They accepted this and it helped to ease communication. Very often these nicknames were derived from those of creatures similar in form to the aliens.

For example, the humans had decided to call them Nymphs. Not only was this a reference to a large family of insects with a great resemblance to the aliens, it also referred back to ancient mythology as being a name for certain minor deities associated with nature.

For resembling a similar creature, native to Sogowa Prime, Raeth's people had decided to call them Fharii. Although this was a larger bird-like creature, they had the same fore and hind wings, but with a different shape and built for speed, and they came in a variety of different species with unique color patterns. Flocks of Fharii were often believed to be able to predict the weather, especially in more traditional cultures and there was some scientific truth to that as the fast flyers often flew ahead of approaching weather systems.

"We look forward to continuing relations with your kind, should we find a way to stabilize the connection between our realities."

"That is our wish as well, Raeth, House of Meztar. We shall need to find ways for our kind to survive outside our own universe."

With the direct mental link between him and one of the creatures severed, Raeth took a deep breath in relief. Their way of communication was so direct, so much more efficient for relaying information, but at the cost of putting a great strain on mental resources. This wasn't so much noticeable when the link was active, due to the artificially induced euphoria, making the transition all the more feel like a blow of exhaustion.

"Your thoughts on them?" Trezka asked, rubbing her own temples.

She and Jirro stood at his sides, having been locked in the same conversation with the Fharii that flew up with a flap of its illuminated wings, leaving them standing on the meeting spot in the middle of a small circle of flat-topped trees put in large stone pots. Flexing his tail and muscles, to shake the rubbery feeling, Raeth still wasn't quite sure. The Fharii were so different from anything else encountered. They could very well be hiding malicious intent, and nobody would know.

"I think they are a peaceful... people, for the lack of a better word. Not sure if their way of 'life' can be compared in any way to ours."

"Do you think they're acting truthfully?"

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