Chapter 4: Our Destiny

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"Ship's log supplemental. With the Hytharians and Xhi'tha on the brink of gate activation, I have ordered the crew back to the Myr'shala for a matter much more urgent. Nami and Jetreycka, two members of my crew have been kidnapped by a criminal organization, the exact reason still unknown. I believe we are destined to cross the boundaries of our galaxy and explore what's beyond, but it'll have to wait. I have asked everyone to gather in the mess hall to plan an operation to get them out of there as fast as we can."

"All right, let's go over it one more time, real quick," Trezka grunted. "We're wasting their time."

Raeth appreciated the speed and efficiency with which the crew handled the situation. In less than half a cycle, all of them had returned to the ship. More than half had gathered in the mess hall. All the insights, station schematics and sources of information, no matter how small their significance, were used to devise an effective method of infiltration and extraction. Their most promising tactic was trying to get in as far as possible while avoiding the main routes to delay a confrontation until they had almost reached the target, which was the last known location of the two women.

The projection along the bow-side bulkhead highlighted the basic idea. Instead of going through the station, they would take a shuttle and use one of the old docking bays for maintenance craft in the lower sections. There was no doubt that these were guarded, but it would take them a lot closer to where they wanted to be while avoiding the maze of tunnels leading down to the same spot.

As chief of security, Trezka would lead the team, composed further of Norgu and the four gunners. Adjusting the torso part of her body armor, she nodded at Freya.

"Freya will pilot the shuttle to the docking bay. Depending on how things go in there, it'll also be the pickup point. Expect heavy resistance from the moment we barge in. We'll be looking for any kind of holding cells. Those sections were used by construction crews when the station was being built, but they'll have repurposed them for all kinds of uses so be on the lookout. Our job is to get Nami and Jetreycka out and nothing more, unless an opportunity presents itself."

"Sounds solid," Raeth agreed. "Protect yourselves and those girls first. Minimize risk and get out as fast as you can."

Trezka nodded with another grunt.

"If there are no more questions, let's not wait any longer."

"We've prepared an extra dose for all of you," Moa said, stepping forward while opening a case of immuno-boosters. "Might be nasty in there."

They all applied the dose, including Freya and Syrran, the latter having offered to be her backup. Moa also handed Masai a first aid kit with a number of tools for onsite treatment. If either they or the two captured women were injured, they could do a quick patch up to increase their chances of making it out alive.

"Let's move people!" Trezka barked, while taking the lead.


The beating of her own hearts inside her chest. The smell of blood, both fresh and stale. The clamoring of a vicious, bloodthirsty audience. The coarse sand scrubbing between the three toes of each foot with every move. There was pain too. Her right leg bled. Her ripped pants stuck to her skin around the cut, a burning sensation spreading between her upper and lower knee.

"This is not what I signed up for," Jetreycka thought, trying to stay focused on the danger in front of her.

Her opponent was one of the other prisoners. A male Lecathian. A feline race known for their rich warrior culture and impressive hunting skills. Although they casually walked around on two feet, they often hunted on all fours, using the natural weapons at their disposal. And this one was hunting her. Circling her like a predator circling its prey, looking for another opening to attack. One kick could shatter bones, crush organs and end his life, which he was very much aware of.

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