Chapter Twenty-Five

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I should've known it would be a private jet. Why that had gone over my head until now was a mystery to me. The last time I'd been on a plane was three years ago. I'd been accompanied by an Italian Government official who was taking me back to the UK as per my request. I'd been boxed in by people I didn't know, carrying nothing but fear and regret.

I'd been in a busy plane where I'd fretted for most of my ride.

Now, I was back to travelling in luxury.

A simple look from Assante had Turtle evacuating to the end of the jet, from which point he was out of earshot. Assante and I still had some important speaking to do.

Needless to say, I had a lot on my mind.

"Are we going to fight again?" Assante asked as he took the seat across from me, a series of files spread out across the little table.

"If we start being honest with each other, then I don't see any reason for us to fight."

"Then you should know that I looked into that man I killed last night before I did it. Didn't you think it was a bit suspicious he was still sitting in his place of work at two in the morning if it was closed?"

I'd been a wee bit drunk. Details like that hadn't crossed my mind.


"His costume shop's in the perfect position. It's on a street with lots of bars around it."

"Your point?"

"My point is it's his game. He waits for women like you and Ida to stumble drunkenly past the doors. Then he brings you inside and rapes you behind the counter."

I swallowed, my skin heating.


"The two of you inviting yourselves in shocked him a bit, but that's his game Bellezza."

"That doesn't justify killing him."

"I know it doesn't. I just want you to think about it."

He snatched a file up from the table, leaving me to think about it. The problem was that I didn't want to think about it. I was sick of thinking about things and mulling over philosophy. Now was the time for me to start putting things behind me.

"How did your meeting go?"

"Not as I'd planned. Luca drinks too much through the night. It's a task to keep his mind focused on business. After poker, all he was interested in was a party."

"What are you looking at?"

He moved the file off his lap and stared at me knowingly. "Come see."

I crossed the space between us and sunk down in his lap, sighing as I made myself comfortable against him. It was when he held me like this that it really felt like we were married.

He picked the file back up, propping it at an angle we could both see.

"These are Columbo's estimated finances," He explained. "With three incarcerated bosses and one dead boss, they should've skyrocketed over these last three years, but he hasn't been playing it smart. With so many leaders in crime gone, he should've expanded massively. These figures should have tripled."

In the absence of four bosses, advancement should've been a piece of cake.

"Which means?"

"Which means that Ricci must've played it smart or nothing's changed at all. Ricci has an eye for business, so I'll be putting my bets on the former."

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