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Effie was the firstborn but lived with her grandparents.
She didn't like her sister, she was self-centred and very abusive.
No matter how much she told Charlie he never listened.
To him, bella was a saint.
She loved where she lived.
It was a small cottage on the edge of forks covered by flowers and trees.
Her grandparents were incredible people who did everything for her.
She went to the same school as her sister but because she was eighteen and trying to graduate she was in different classes a lot more advanced than her sisters which made bella so angry.
She was good friends with Rosalie and knew about the supernaturals.
Unlike bella, she wasn't obsessed once she knew she didn't ask them a billion of questions.
"Effie darling, your fathers on the phone.
It sounds serious" said Mari.
She came downstairs holding a book.
She took the phone.
"What?" said Effie.
"Come home.
Edward has left home and bella is in a depressive state.
Your mother doesn't know what to do and neither do i" said Charlie.
"And I should care why?" said Effie.
"Because she's screaming in her sleep.
Effie come home, I'll get you anything you want just come home" said Charlie.
"Fine, but I swear if she does anything I will come back here and change my name," said Effie.
"Ok, ok.
Come now please" said Charlie hanging up.
She put the phone down taking a deep breath.
She walked into the living room.
She sat on the couch laying down.
"What did he want?" said Jacob smoking from his pipe.
"Bella is in a 'Depressive' state and needs my help apparently," said Effie rolling her eyes.
"Mabey seeing her again won't be bad," said Mari.
"Darling she verbally abused Effie.
There's a reason she's lived here for two years" said Jacob.
"I know but bella is our grandchild too.
I don't agree with how Effie was treated but that was two years ago Bella is eighteen now.
Maybe she's changed" said Mari.
"Changed, that little girl is nothing but trouble." said Jacob.
"No, I'm going.
I don't like her but I would never forgive myself if she died from this" said Effie.
"I'll get the car warm," said Jacob.
"And I'll get a bag ready, you stay here and read," said Mari.
She smiled picking up her book sitting up.
A few minutes later she was in the car watching the trees go by.
The ride was quiet.
She was anxious, more than ever before.
She gripped her shirt watching her old home appear.
"Now I want to say something without your grandmother here," said Jacob.
"Bella is a bratty little shit.
I never knew why my son didn't stop with you or why he married that bitch.
If she does anything to you I don't want you to come back.
I want you to move away, get out of forks and meet people.
I put some extra cash in your bag.
Use it" said Jacob.
"Thank you grandpa.
You're the best" said Effie smiling so bright.
But it quickly faded when the car stopped.
He put a hand on her arm.
"You know what to do, get in and get out," said Jacob hugging her as she started to cry.
"I love you grandpa and if I don't return tell grandmother that I'm happy and alive," said Effie.
"Of course," said Jacob.
Sue for out of the car taking a deep breath before walking in.
"CHARLIE," shouted Effie.
Charlie came out smiling.
He hugged her.
"Welcome home Effie.
She's at Jacobs right now.
Do you in want a beer?" said Charlie.
"Coffee would be nice.
I don't drink, still underage" said Effie.
"Oh yeah, I'll make us coffee," said Charlie.
"I'm leaving in a few minutes.
Police retreat, bella should be home later" said Charlie.
"Here are the spare keys," said Charlie.
He sat down looking at her as she sipped the coffee.
"Well um, you can stay in my room.
I left money on the side for takeout." said Charlie.
"Thank you, dad," said Charlie.
He smiled before getting his stuff.
"Well, I'm going.
Thank you again for coming" said Charlie leaving her alone in the house.
She watched the car go.
She had been home alone lots but not here.
She hated this house in the dark.
It was so creepy and small.
She finished the coffee not realising it was now dark.
Suddenly a black car was outside the house.
She got one of her father's guns loading it and taking the safety off.
Jacob taught her how to shoot after bella attacked her.
She could shoot perfectly.
Suddenly the door opened and Alice was there.
But what did she want?

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