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More months had past and the war was finally won but there was something else she had to battle.
Effie had an invitation from Edward for his and Bella's wedding.
The weird thing was it was addressed to her and not the kings.
They had a joined invitation.
She was angry but if showing bella she had what bella couldn't would just ruin her day and that was all Effie needed to cheer up even a little bit.
She had jane collect a dress as she sat in the throne room waiting for Caius to walk through the doors.
She could feel him and that helped her not rip herself apart.
Suddenly Caius came rushing through the doors.
She looked up rushing into his arms as she let a smile come through.
His brother watched smiling.
They were meant for each other.
He looked into her eyes smiling.
"Gorgeous," said Caius.
Days had last and they were now in forks.
She sat in the car on the way to the wedding.
She sat with the guards as the brothers needed to talk.
She was quiet containing the newborn rage.
She hated her sister before and now it was unbearable she wanted to rip her apart and watch her bleed in the white dress.
She arrived putting in her contacts as she stepped out.
She wore a black dress with a red train that was attached to the waist.
The neckline was a diamond shape.
She wore dagger pumps liking the cracks there left.
She walked in as the king just arrived.
Bella saw her sister knowing that she was a newborn.
She was so incredibly attractive.
She gulped as the kings walked in.
"Does she have to ruin everything?" said bella.
Effie's head jolted to her walking along as all eyes went on her.
"Indeed I do sister, I have to say this is such a.
Ugh, what's the word, a horrendous ceremony.
That dress was the thing that killed grandmother" said Effie.
"What would you know about weddings," said bella.
"Because we're planning one," said Caius holding her hand.
Bella scowled.
"I see you're still human, such a pity.
I'm sure the date passed a few months ago" said aro.
"The date is set," said bella.
"Nevertheless, I believe your sister would love to rip you apart," said aro.
"Very much," said Effie.
"Bella Charlie wants you," said Edward.
He looked at her gulping.
"Effie, it's nice to see you," said Edward.
"Spare me, I believe you lied to her to get me here.
Why?" said Effie.
"I wanted to make a truce.
I will turn her after the honeymoon" said Edward.
"You understand if you slip up you could kill her.
So I agree, I would love to see you return to them begging for death.
It was such a treat last time" said Effie booking his nose before walking off.
"She is turning into such a beautiful queen.
I believe no one in our coven is as crazy and fearless as her" said aro.
She looked at him.
"Now go play happy life with your little bride.
I can't wait to see you ruin her" said Effie going fully away as Caius followed.
He looked at her chugging two glasses of cheap champagne.
She sat down laying on Caius's shoulder.
She didn't want to be here.
It brought back too much.
Aro came to her holding her hand.
"We will leave soon.
I promise" said aro.
"Good, I can't handle it here.
Its wound is still so deep and when I'm there it will only open creating a whole new gash." said Effie as venom crawls into her eyes.
Caius kissed her.
"It's ok.
Just focus on my scent" said Caius.
He kissed her head.
The kings waited in the car as she walked to the front of the Cullen house.
"Bella," said Effie.
She looked at her.
"I want to apologise if I ruined this day.
The change has altered the more insane past of me and the outbursts were from being without Caius for most of a year.
I am happy for you and I hope that he dissent hurt you.
Even though you hurt me in ways that should cause me to kill you you are still my baby sister and I do love you.
Just be safe.
Don't rush into the whole sex thing without thinking it through.
He could kill you and no matter how much I want that it's not fair that he will get the chance instead of me.
I love you sister" said Effie.
Bella smiled.
"I love you too.
I'm sorry for the things I did.
I was jealous of you and wanted to be the only child." said bella.
"Well technically you will be," said Effie laughing with her.
"Be good and hopefully we won't have to run into each other again" said Effie.
Bella smiled getting into the car.
As she drone off everything rushed into her head.
The things she had done and the things she still had to do.
She was ready to do all those things but something inside still wasn't.
She smiled as the car drove off.
She watched the world spin in her head as she remembered it all.
She walked back to the car as caius kissed her.
She sat in the car.
The words came into her head.
Remember who you are...

The end

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