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It had been a few months since the kings left.
It was a war and they didn't expect that.
Some of the guards went a few weeks ago to check out a newborn army in Seattle.
The castle had been closed down.
Effie missed Caius.
She knew that this could happen but it was so early in their relationship.
She sat in the throne room locked in with only the secrets passageways to move around.
She was reading when a guard came in with a letter.
"From master Caius miss," said the guards leaving.
She held the envelope opening it up.
She took the note and felt the card.
'Mi amour,
I have to do this now because then if I don't return I know that I made a promise.
I have never shown my caring side to anyone but you.
I love you my darling.
You brought me back to life after my wife betrayed me.
You were the most perfect beautiful girl I have ever met.
But now that im not with you I feel weaker and it's annoying because I've never felt this type of weakness but now I understand.
I can't live without you and im ok with that.
A question came into my head in battle and now I have to ask you.
Effien Charlie swan, marry me.
The ring was from a friend in the 1600s and if you accept please wear the ring, my love.
Caius Volturi'
She gasped taking out a gorgeous diamond ring that looked hundreds of year's old.
She smiled tearing up slipping the ring on.
She missed him and now it hurt.
She sat on his throne looking at the rind with tears just streaming down.
Suddenly she felt like she had been knocked out as she passed out.
A Romanian soldier escaped from the prison.
He walked in and drank from her.
Her blood was like candy, it was like nothing he had tasted before.
Suddenly a guard ripped his head off and bit Effie over and over rushing her to her room.
The ability knocked her out but she could still felt the burning.
It was like hot iron was covering her insides never hardening.
She felt like ripping her flesh off but she couldn't move.
She was being imprisoned in her own body.
She was completely awake but her body was numb.
All she wanted was death.
She needed it.
A few days had past and no one had returned.
Effie was still asleep and the pain slowly subsided.
The guards surrounded her terrified if they got to her too late.
Suddenly her eyes opened.
They were the most beautiful red eyes anyone had seen.
She sat up looking around realising what had happened.
She looked at them all feeling everything become elevated.
"Effie," said one of the guards.
"Wheres Caius?
He was supposed to do this.
WHERE IS HE!" Effie cried.
"He's still in battle, you were attacked Effie." said the guard.
No this wasn't supposed to happen." said Effie.
"I know, it's ok.
I had no choice the venom was already too far in your system to take out" said the guard.
She held her throat hissing.
"The thirst, here.
Take as much as you need" said another guard giving her a bucket of blood bags.
She ripped about twenty open draining them all clean.
"Good girl.
See I told you she was like Caius" said the guard.
"Shut up, she is stronger than all of us.
One wrong word and we are all dead" said another guard.
"Jane, Demetri, Felix and alec are on a plane home and the war is starting to end." said another guard.
Effie got up walking to the throne room.
The guards try to stop her.
Suddenly she looked at them making them fly back.
"Good God.
She's a double shield" said one of the guards.
Effie growled walking out.
She opened the heavy doors breaking the lock.
She walked over to the thrones sitting on Caius's getting a book.
She felt so much pain from not being near him.
She wanted to be this just wanted Caius to be the one to take her humanity away.
The guards were afraid and for good reason.
She could create force fields that could rip a vampire apart if it was at its strongest.
Hours later jane, alec, Demetri and Felix come in watching her mould to the throne.
"Effie, can we talk?" said jane.
They heard about her mind changing with everything else.
Being away from Caius made her angrier and less patient.
"Is it about Caius?" said Effie looking at them with no emotion in her eyes.
"No," said jane.
"Then leave, I don't need your pity.
Unless it's something that involves him go away" said Effie looking back at her book.
She looked at her ring as venom came into her eyes.
They knew she was hurting so they left her to think.
It was safest that way.
Until aro could train her she was a huge risk.

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