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Suddenly the door opened and Alice was there.
But what did she want?
"Is bella here?" said Alice looking frightened.
"No, why are you here?" said Effie.
"She jumped off a cliff and I couldn't see her get out.
Is she ok!" said Alice.
"I don't know, I just got here," said Effie.
She barged in as Effie shut the door.
"Wait, you said she jumped off a cliff," said Effie.
"Yeah, why aren't you worried?" said Alice.
"Because I don't particularly like her.
She made my life a living hell" said Effie.
"That shouldn't matter if your sister is dead," said Alice.
"She's not dead, bella is many things but suicidal will never be one," said Effie.
Suddenly Alice's headshot to the door.
A car engine.
It was Bella's truck.
Suddenly bella came in looking at them.
"Alice," said bella.
"I guess I'm just a piece of meat then," said Effie.
"What are you, I'm sorry I.
I just can't believe your here.
Is" said bella.
"Would you like to explain to me how you're alive!" said Alice.
"What?" said bella.
"I saw a vision of you.
You jumped off a cliff.
Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself.
I mean what about Charlie what about..." said Alice.
"I didn't try to kill myself.
I was cliff jumping, Recreationally.
It" said bella.
Alice huffed.
"Effie, why are you here?" said bella.
"Dad called me an hour ago begging for me to help you.
I see now why" said Effie.
"It's not my fault Edward left!" said bella.
"Nothing is, I'm here for dad.
Once you're fine again I'm gone" said Effie.
"Come on we should talk," said Alice leading bella to the couch.
"I have never met anyone more prone to life-threatening idiocy," said Alice.
"Um does.
Did you tell him?" said bella.
"No, he only calls once every few months.
He said he wants to be alone" said Alice.
Bella what is that God awful wet dog smell?" said Alice with disgust in her eyes.
"Um, that's probably me.
It's Jacob." said bella.
"Jacob who?" said Alice.
"Jacobs kinda a werewolf," said bella stuttering.
"Ugh, bella, werewolves are not good company to keep," said Alice.
Jacob comes in.
"Speak for yourself," said Jacob.
Alice got up.
"I had to see if you were safe" said Jacob.
"I thought you couldn't protect me here," said bella.
"Guess I don't care," said Jacob.
"Well I'm not going to hurt her," said Alice.
By this time Effie was already on the porch reading.
She hated arguing.
It made her panic.
She watched the stars smiling at the peace.
She heard the yelling getting heaver.
Jacob must have fucked up, she kept thinking.
Suddenly the door slams open as bella runs to Alice's car.
"What did you do?" said Effie at Jacob.
"I may off told Edward she was dead," said Jacob.
"Ugh, you stupid mutt.
Alice wait I'm coming with you." said Effie getting her bag.
Alice smiled as Effie gets in the back seat.
Bella looked at Alice.
"Ok," said Alice driving off.
Effie would hate to see her father get hurt by bella the way she did but she almost hoped Edward was killed so bella could feel the hurt.
Bella broke Effie.
She went from a normal girl that liked art and literature but now she was all those things but her morals were cracked.
She wanted to see those who hurt her suffer and she never knew why but she accepted it.
It wasn't making her insane just a little disturbed.
She watched the trees turn to mist from the speed of the car.
On the plane, bella sat away from her with Alice talking about Italy.
About the Volturi.
Effie had seen the painting and knew who they were but decided to ignore the obvious pull there.
She loved the city as it was one of few city's that showed its older parts and history.
Nothing was modern there and it was beautiful.
She wanted to visit but she knew that there was a chance she would never return.
Nevertheless, she did enjoy the idea of being far away from her family.
She focused back on reality feeling the yellow Lamborghini race to the clock tower.
She suddenly felt a similar pull again.
It was like a rope was tied to her and the clock tower or mabey someone in it.
Suddenly Alice started swerving she looked at Effie with fear in her eyes with the vision she had just saw.
"They refused him," said Alice ignoring the main vision.
She could hear the noise but no words came through.
She couldn't get her eyes off of the tower.
The car stopped and bella ran out.
Alice held her hand tight.
"Stay with me," said Alice.
"Yeah, yeah ok," said Effie looking at the tower feeling her heart pound as they got closer.
She walked into the clock tower with alive as she made a sassy speech.
Suddenly a girl comes out she kept saying something but all Effie could hear was a slight noise.
"Is she alright?" said Demetri.
Alice saw her focus again.
"How interesting.
She comes with you, aro would love to meet her" said jane.
Jane smiled at her, she liked her.
She wasn't sure why but she wanted to protect Effie.
Bella scowled at Kane's reaction.
To jane bella was food but with Effie, jane saw her as a friend.
They walked through the clock tower arriving at a modern elevator.
Effie was pulled in with jane standing next to her as the others squeeze in.
They walked through the halls getting less and less modem the more they walked.
Effie loved it, she loved older buildings as they contained so much history and happiness.
Effie saw the two heavy wooden doors feeling the numbing kick back in.
She was using the power she had no idea she had.
She just had to face whatever was making her brain turn to mush.

(hello all.
I just want to clarify.
Effie is a shield.
She can numb herself and others and turn invisible.
Hope this helps.

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