Chapter 1

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Step… Step… Step… I hear walking coming from outside and then a click. The door opens and a man with a lab coat walks in. “Hello, Zero, my name is Dr. Brady, today we are going to be experimenting on you with a virus known as BPFR.” Dr. Brady explains. I look at him, unable to speak because of the tape covering my mouth. “Well, I guess we should get started,” He says as he digs through a bag. He pulls out a syringe filled with a black liquid in the chamber. He walks to my bed and as I try to back away from him, I hear a thud as I reach the wall. He grabs my arm and sticks the needle in it. The black liquid goes inside my veins pulsing through so fast that it starts to hurt, the pain getting stronger and stronger. When he's done he places the needle back in his bag and walks to the door, opening it. “Tell me if you have any side effects when I come back in here later,” He says and closes the door. I hear a click, and I cower in the corner, afraid that I might die.
 Step… Step… Step…  “Give Zero some food,” I can hear Dr. Brady’s muffled voice say from the other side of the door.
 “Okay,” A different voice responds. Step… Step… Step… the door opens with a click and a woman walks in. She sets a plate of food on the bed and takes the tape off my mouth. I look at her badge and see that her name is Gwen Saxe. She walks out and the door clicks as she closes it. I pick up the plate and when I take a bite a sudden wave of disgust washes over me, and I almost puke. The food tastes like radioactive rot. Step… Step… Step… click. Dr. Brady walks in. “So, let's list off some side effects, shall we?” Dr. Brady says. I sit there silently, hoping that he might give up and go away. Instead of leaving, though, he continues to sit there patiently, making it clear that he’s ready to sit there all day.
“The food is disgusting, but it looks good...” I say quietly, finally giving in. He takes out a notepad and notes what I say. “Anything else?” He asks.
“Not really, but I have a question..” I say.
“Go on,” He says
 “How long will I stay here?” I ask
“Until you’re dead,” he says, taking notes
We sit in silence until he's done taking notes. He leaves quietly after finishing. “Okay,” I think to myself, “I have to get out of here.” I investigate the room for an exit, but with no luck. Then I think of something. There was no click when he closed the door. I try the handle and see that he’s forgotten to lock the door. I open the door, walk out, and head down the corridor. As I'm walking down, I hear a little girl's voice. I walk to the source of the voice and see a cell. “Hello? Is anyone in there?” I ask.
“Yes! Please let me out. It’s scary in here...” The little girl pleads. I try to open the door, but it won't budge. I look and see that it needs a keycard to get in. “I'll be right back, don't worry,” I assure her. I walk down a corridor and see a guard. I wait till he is faced away from me and sneak behind him. I pickpocket him and find a level two keycard. “Hopefully this will be good enough,” I think to myself. I walk back to the cell and insert the keycard, and it opens with a click. I walk into the cell and see a little girl who looks about six. I see that she's hiding her face in her knees. “Hey, I'm Haru. What's your name?” I ask. She looks up at me and sees I'm not a guard. “B-Blair, ” She stutters quietly.
“Well, Blair, let's get out of here,” I say. She nods. We walk out of the cell and down a corridor when I see a map on the ground and pick it up. We walk the direction of the way out and find that the corridor we are going down is filled with guards. I think for a little bit, wondering what to do to get past them when I see a vent without a cover and get an idea. “Blair, we’re going to go into the vents and see if we can get out that way, okay?” I ask. She nods. I lift her up and place her into the vent, I follow after. After crawling for a bit, I look at the map again and see that the vent will lead to the outside after the next shaft. We crawl to the supposed exit and see a vent door and some light peeking through. I get into a position where I can kick the door down. After a few tries, it gives way and bursts open. I look down, making sure it's not a far drop. I hop down onto the grass, and Blair follows. The fresh air rushes up my nose. I can tell that Blair is also enjoying the fresh air because I see her pause and smile. “Thank you for saving me, Haru,” Blair says. I look at her and smile. “No problem, Blair. But we’re not safe yet. We need to get as far away from here as possible, okay?” I tell her. “Okay,” she says. Looking at her more closely in the light of the moon, I see that under her eyes they are very red. She’s probably been crying for a while now. She also seems tired. “We should get somewhere safe to rest.” I think to myself. “Alright, let’s go,” I say to her and take her hand, making sure that she’s following me. We run until we get to a train station. We hop on a parked train and wait for it to start running. I sit on the ground, tired from today, Blair lays next to me and falls asleep. I look at my arm and see that my veins are turning a blackish color. I shudder and hide my arms with my sleeves. I lay down, falling asleep.

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