Chapter 2

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I'm awakened by a light being shined on my face. I look at the source of the light and see a train conductor. “You and your daughter have to get off, or I'm going to have to call the police,” He says. I try to wake Blair up, but she continues to sleep. I pick Blair up and hop off the train. “Here,” he says, giving me a package.
“Thanks, also where are we?” I ask, taking the package and looking at it.
“Shawnee, Kansas,” He says. “Lenexa is almost 2 hours away, I may need to hitchhike.” I think to myself. I begin walking to the closest highway. After walking for a little bit I find one and I stick my thumb out, indicating that I'm hitchhiking. After a while, a truck slows down and parks by me. The owner of the truck rolls down their window, revealing a male who looks around 40. “Hey kid, do you need a lift?” The man asks.
“Yes, please,” I say. He opens the passenger door and I hop in, still holding Blair in my arms, and we start to drive. “Y’know, it's illegal to hitchhike, right? You’re lucky I'm not a cop,” The man says, and I sit in silence. “So where ya headed?” He asks.
“Lenexa,” I say.
“You seem tired, you can sleep if you want.” He says. I don't complain because he seems trustworthy, and I fall asleep. I’m awakened by a tap on my shoulder.
“We're here,” The man says.
I sit up and look outside, and I see that I'm close to my house. I give the man the package as a thank you. As I leave the truck Blair wakes up. “Where are we?” She yawns. “We’re going home,” I respond. We start walking to my house. I'm on the front lawn, happy to be back home, I see that my only sisters are home. I open the door and place my shoes on a mat and I quietly walk to the living room to see my sisters watching a movie. “Looks like you guys were concerned,” I say sarcastically. They look at me and their faces change into shock. “HARU!” They exclaim, running to me and hugging me.
“Where were you?!” My older sister Raelynn asks, shouting.
“It's kind of a long story, can I get some proper sleep before telling you?” I ask.
She nods and calms down my little sister Paige. I walk to my room and set up an air mattress. I put pillows and blankets on the mattress.
“Here you go, Blair,” I say. She gets onto the air mattress and falls asleep. I sit on my bed ready to fall asleep but a sudden urge of hunger hits me. I walk to the kitchen and make a sandwich. When I take a bite though, an urge of disgust comes over me again and I puke in the trash can. I look at the expiration date of the meat and cheese to see if they’re old and see that they were just bought today. “What is wrong with my taste, why is it messed up?” I ask myself. I walk outside to take a breather, but as I'm standing on my porch I smell something delicious. I walk to the source of the smell and see an alleyway, so I walk down it, the smell is getting stronger. When I get to the smell, I see a corpse. A dead, rotting woman who appeared to be stabbed to death. I freak out and back up, bumping into the brick wall behind me.
“Seems like you're new to this,” A man says to me, and I look at him.
“W-Who are you? Please don't hurt me,” I say.
“You’re fine kid, and it's Zach,” He says. “You should eat it, or you'll end up snapping and eating ones you care about,” He advises.
“I-I can't eat a person, that's inhumane!” I say, freaking out more. He walks to the corpse and chops off a limb. He picks it up and tosses the limb to me. Hunger gets the better of me and I start to eat it. I tear and rip the limb apart with my teeth, some muscle tissue and veins getting stuck in between my canines. 
“Better?” He asks. I nod silently, my mind screaming at me about what I was doing. It kept shrieking at me over and over about how I was turning into a monster. My mind starts to get sore from all the screaming, so I ignore it and focus on tearing open the limb. When I'm done I wipe the blood from my mouth and face. I notice that I have blood on my hands as well and wipe my hands on my jeans.
“If you ever need advice, come to me,” He says, walking away. I walk back to my house and go into my bathroom and take a shower to remove the smell of blood. Luckily, no blood got on my clothes, except for my jeans. When I'm done I get dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt and get into my bed and fall asleep.

Akeldamaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें