Chapter 3

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The next morning I wake up with a splitting headache. "Ugh, what the heck?" I ask myself. I try to ignore the headache and walk downstairs and sit on the couch next to Raelynn.
"Hey, I called mom and told her that you're back home," Raelynn says.
"Oh okay, thanks," I say.
"So... what happened?" Raelynn asks. She had always been the curious one out of all of us.
"Okay, so basically I was kidnapped, had some weird liquid injected into my veins, my cell door was left open, I met Blair, and I escaped," I explain.
"Wow, seems like your day was an adventure!" She laughs. I nod, then remember something. Where's Markus? Markus is my brother, so I expected him to be here when I got home yesterday.
"Hey, where's Markus?" I ask Raelynn, noticing that I haven't seen him since I got home.
"He's working at his new job right now," She says.
"Oh, okay," I say, turning on a movie. We watch a movie together called Quantum when there's a knock at the door
"I'll get it," Raelynn says. She walks to the door and opens it. When I see who it is, though, my heart stops for a second, and I scramble out of view from the door. There's a man in a Children of Helheim suit. "Good evening, ma'am, we're looking for a male named Haru Ashima and a young girl named Blair. Have you seen them?" The Children of Helheim agent asks.
"No, I haven't, sorry," she says apologetically. The agent nods and walks away, heading to another house. She walks back to the couch and sighs.
"What did you do?" She asks.
"He's an agent from the group that kidnapped me," I say, freaking out. I run upstairs and pack my stuff.
"What are you doing?" Raelynn asks.
"If I don't leave, you guys will end up getting hurt, so I'm going to run away. Don't come after me or you could be tested on as well. I don't want anything like that for you," I say. "But you just got back! I called mom and everything!" Raelynn says, her eyes starting to glaze with tears. "I promise that I'll come back soon. I just need to wait a few months for this whole thing to blow over, otherwise I'll be putting you and Paige in danger," I say. She chokes back her tears and nods. "Just... stay safe, alright? If you come home with one cut, I swear, I'll kill whoever did it!" She exclaims, allowing a tear to drip down her face. "I'll be safe. I'll stay hidden. I'll be careful. Good enough?" I ask her. She nods. "Go, before I regret my decision," she says and leaves my room. I wake up Blair and inform her about what's going on. She's scared at first, but takes a deep breath and agrees to go with me, and we dash off. I run to the nearest camping shop I can find and buy a tent, some blankets, some pillows, and other things needed to live in the woods. I walk into a forest known as Hidden Woods Park to escape from the city. I get deep into the woods and set out my camping stuff. I make Blair a bed and lay her down. I walk to a river and sit down next to it. "I guess this is gonna be my life now," I think to myself. I gather some water in a canteen and head back to the tent since it's getting dark. I climb into the tent and close the zipper. I place the canteen by Blair so she has something to drink if she's thirsty when she wakes up. I lay a blanket and pillow down by Blair and lay on the blanket, and with that, I fall asleep. I'm awakened by the sound of Blair screaming, my eyes opening so fast that I'm straining them. I rush to where the scream is coming from and see that she's playing with a white rabbit and not getting hurt. I give a sigh of relief. She notices I'm awake and walks up to me. "Why were you screaming?" I ask her. "I wanted to get your attention. What does this say?" Blair asks as she gives me a piece of paper. "BPFR is a virus coming from unknown origins. If you contract this virus, I'm deeply sorry, there's only one known vaccine but it's only temporary. It seems that the virus affects the taste and changes organs, making it to where you can only consume human flesh, although if a child gets infected by BPFR, they will have the same functions as an adult BPFR-2 but they can consume human flesh and normal food." I say out loud.
"Interesting, so she can eat both. That will make things easier, though it will be harder for me," I think to myself. "What does that mean?" Blair asks. For a second I don't know how to respond. I can't possibly explain it all right now! Besides, I'm starting to get hungry again... "I'll tell you later. Stay here for a little bit, okay? I'm going to get something for us to eat," I say. She nods and I go into the tent. I grab the sharpest dagger from my bag and go into the woods. After a few minutes I spot a deer, so I hide until it gets closer to where I am. When it eventually gets closer, I jump out and try to stab it, but it's quick. It dodges my stab and ends up getting away. I curse under my breath. Hunting by hand is harder than I had originally thought. I continue looking for something to kill when I see another deer. "Okay, I have to get this one," I think to myself. I sneak up behind it as quietly as I can and wait for it to get closer. After a moment, it walks over to a patch of grass in front of me. "Perfect," I think to myself. I jump on it and stab at it, and this time, I get it. I've stabbed it right in the heart.
"Easy enough." I continue hunting for a bit until I've killed at least 3 deer. I gather the dead deer bodies together and head back to the camp. I start a fire and make a stand for a pan out of sticks. I cut up the deer corpses and put some of the meat on the pan, saving the others for later. I also skin the deer and take their antlers. I let the meat cook for a little bit and call Blair and tell her that I'm making some food. She runs over to me from the woods where she was playing with a few forest animals. "What are we eating? I'm hungry," she asks. "Ever tried deer before?" I ask her. "No," she says. "Well, you're about to!" I smirk."Okay! I like trying new food," she smiles. When the meat is ready, I give it to Blair and she grins. I let Blair eat while I venture off to the edge of the forest to find something to eat.
After a few hours of searching through the edge of the forest for someone to kill, I start to get tired from walking so much so I take a little break when I hear a voice.
"Please don't hurt me, I'll give you all I have!" A random woman says in a terrified tone. I run to where the voice came from and see a man holding a knife to the woman's neck.
"What are you doing sir?" I ask him in a stern voice.
"I would advise you to get out of here, kid, or you'll get hurt," The man says.
"No," I say in a serious tone.
"Well, I gave you a chance," He chuckles, and starts running towards me with his knife pointed at me. My vision starts to slow down and I can see where he is going to attempt to stab me. When he's close to me enough to the point where the knife is about a foot away from me, I grab the knife by the handle and push him away. My vision returns to normal.
"Wow, I didn't know I could do that," I think to myself. The guy gives me a look of fear and runs off.
"Thank you!" The woman exclaims. "No problem," I say, "I would recommend getting out of here," I add. She nods and runs off as well. I walk towards where the man ran off to and see that he's fallen into a spike trap. He pleads for help, and that he'll give me whatever I want. I help him out by throwing a nearby rock at his head, knocking him out. I then lift him out of the trap and take out my supplies, as if doing surgery. And if I want this guy to survive after my little "surgery," I need to be careful and quick.
I carefully cut off his leg, blood leaking all over my hands and up my arms a little, and patch his leg and wounds. It's a little gross at first, all the flesh and muscle so squishy and slippery and whatnot, but I continue cutting. The blood starts gathering in a puddle around his cut-off leg, but I pay it no mind. I cut the leg into slabs of meat, as if they were steak, and put them into a sealed plastic bag. The blood from the meat, muscle, and flesh is starting to drip and pile in the bottom of the bag, but I ignore it and place the meat in any way. I leave the guy unconscious on the ground and walk back to the camp right as it starts to get dark.
"You're back!" Blair says excitedly and hugs my leg. "Indeed I am," I grin. "Did you find anything to eat? You didn't eat earlier," she says. "Ah, yes, I did," I say to her with a dark smile.
I walk into the tent and place the plastic bag in my blanket, and Blair climbs into her blanket and goes to sleep. I walk to the lake and relax by it, when a knife flies past me, in front of my face.

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