Chapter 6

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I walk over to the alleyway where I first met Zach and start going through it.
"Took you long enough," a voice says. I turn around and see Zach. He jumps down from a closed dumpster and lands in front of me.
"Yeah, sorry. I've just been on the run, trying to stay alive, while also freeing myself and others in the process, but I apologize," I say sarcastically. He puts his hands up in front of him like, "never mind, sorry for asking".

"What have you been doing?" I ask him.

"Not much, honestly. All I really have to do is survive, hide, and eat. Not much to do, not much to see, if you know what I mean," he shrugs, he walks over to a door that's by the garbage bin and signals me to follow him. I feel a bit hesitant, but Zach gives me a look of reassurance that takes away my nerves. Calm now, I walk inside.
When I get inside I see a young boy and girl taking measurements for a piece of metal. It looks as if they're adjusting it to make a type of shield. I feel a bit sad that even kids have to hide away from the government.
As I continue following Zach, I can see a clinic and a school as we pass them. Suddenly, Zach stops and turns left into a small room. When we enter I see that the room has a table surrounded by people in chairs.
Some people are talking, while others are half asleep. As soon as they see Zach, they become silent and give Zach full attention.
"Good afternoon, everyone. Let's start our meeting by introducing somebody," Zach says, "this is Haru, he is an escapee of one of the Children of Hellheim's bases. I would like you to give him as much respect as you would have of me."
They all nod, Zach waves for me to come over to him. I walk over to where he's sitting and sit in a chair next to him. As I get seated, he motions for me to speak. I give him a nervous look but face everyone else.
"As you all know, my name is Haru. I plan to set free all of the Children of Hellheims test subjects. Yes, it won't be easy, but if we combine our forces we're bound to win. So all I'm saying is that you should follow me into my journey and help me fight. If you want to help me fight, it will help you in the future. So onto my plan. After that, I want to kill Helheim," I say, and everyone looks at me as if I've gone mad. Zack gives them a warning look, and they all return their attention to me.
"If we kill him, then the future for us could be brighter than ever! We would all be free to continue living life, and we wouldn't have to hide anymore. The next generations would feel safe, and look up to their ancestors who fought for them. Well, that's all. Thank you for listening," I say. They start to clap with a look on their faces that show that whatever doubt they had about me before was gone. After a few seconds of clapping, Zach pauses them.
"Haru, can I speak with you for a little bit?" He asks.
"Sure," I say.
Zach and I walk out of the room and into a smaller one that looks as if it's a storage closet.
"So, what seems to be the problem?" I ask.
"There might be a group of soldiers from the Children of Helheim that are going to launch an attack on us. They're going to evacuate everyone in town and gas every building trying to find our base. To ensure our safety during that, we're going to evacuate to Alaska. I have some friends there, and they're willing to let us stay there until the attack is over. It's going to be a fifty-eight-hour trip and we're leaving in the morning. So... will you come?" Zach asks. I start getting worried about Raelynn and Paige.
"Could I bring my sisters?"I ask
"Maybe, but I'll need to see them first. Are they human?" Zach asks
"Yes," I admit.
"Are you sure they can be trusted?" He asks with uncertainty.
"Yes, I'm very sure. Now, can I go get them?" I ask
"Fine. I'll decide whether or not they stay when they get here."
He starts walking back to the meeting room. I run out of the base and sprint to my sister's house. When I get there I swing the door open.
"Are you okay?" Paige asks in surprise. She's sitting at the dining table drawing with crayons.
"We need to go, like, now. Where is Rae?" I ask.
"Upstairs in her room..." She says, worried. By the time she finishes talking, I'm already running to her room.
I get to her room after running up the stairs and open the door in a rush, fumbling with the handle a bit.
"Haru? What's wrong?" Raelynn asks in a concerned voice after hearing and seeing me slam the door open.
"We need to go. Now." I say. Before she can respond, I leave, going to my room and getting Blair.
We run to the base and walk inside. Zach notices us and walks over to us.
"So you're his sisters..." He says, staring at them. "Tell me, were you reluctant to follow Haru when he rushed you out the door?" He asks. I look at him, confused. Why is he asking these questions?
"Well, uh, I was confused and concerned. But I decided to follow him because I trust him. If he's in trouble, then I want to help him. He's my little brother, after all," she shrugs.
Zach stares at her for a second, then gives a small smile of approval.
"You seem to be fine. Congratulations! Anyways, want an explanation for what's going on?" Zach asks.
"Yes, please. This is so..confusing," Raelynn says.
"Alright. Well, me, your brother, and everyone here have to eat human flesh to survive. We're much, much stronger and faster than regular humans and we have a lot of special abilities the normal people don't have. We don't have to eat as often as you, but you still get the point. That's basically it," He explains.
Raelynn and Paige stand in a mixture of confusion and shock.
"This can't be true, right, Haru?" Paige asks, nervously.
"No, he's right. All that he's said is true," I say.
As she's about to respond, a girl that looks around fourteen runs up to Zach.
"We need to go. Right now. Children of Helheim have evacuated the citizens sooner than we thought," The girl informs him.
"I see. Thank you, you may go now," Zach says, and she runs away.
A little bit later, three cars pull up outside. Zach gets into one of the cars and motions for me to follow behind him. Blair, my sisters, and I get into the car and sit down. The driver starts to drive off when the door on my side swings open and a man points a gun to my head, before I know it I hear a gunshot and the man falls over bleeding to death on the ground. I look where the shot came from and see it came from Zach. I close the door and we start to drive, I decide to rest a little.

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