Episode Five-Towa City Part 1

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"15 People Remain"

Koichi: Well that's a problem two dead bodies and no evidence.

Kyoko: You're just not looking good enough.

Ryota: Who would do this.

Koichi: That's what we're gonna figure out rookie.

Kizakura was laughing as he slapped Ryota's back which surprised Ryota as he screamed and jumped in the air falling on his back.

Kyoko: If you're gonna fool around during a time like this you might as well leave.

Kizakura stepped out of the room while Kirigiri looked at Asahina's cold corpse she saw that her arm bangle was glowing red.

Kyoko: What's this her forbidden action.

"Being hit by a punch or a kick"

Kyoko: Alright what was Bandai's

"Witnessing violence between participants"

Kyoko looked at the bodies over until she finally came up with the solution for the two bodies.

Kyoko: I figured out the killer I should tell Kizakura.

Meanwhile At One of the Future Foundation Headquarters.

Byakuya: Why can't we get ahold of them.

Celestia: Calm yourself I'm sure they're fine just some connection issues.

Byakuya: Be realistic woman we lost connection because they were under attack it's obviously Junko she came back after all.

Sayaka: Isn't that why we sent a team to fix the connection in towa city.

Byakuya: Yeah they need to be careful though that place is a warzone.

Sayaka: I just wish you didn't send Leon there~

Byakuya: I don't know what you see in him he is useless.

Celestia: Speaking of useless where is he.

Hifumi: I'm sorry it took so long here is your milk tea

Celestia: Finally took you long enough.

Hifumi: Well I had to make it perfect for you my que-


Hifumi: I'm sorry Ms.Ludenberg!

Celestia: Now then make it again.

Hifumi: Really that took forever to make


Hifumi: Yes your bootlicker is on the case, my lady.

Byakuya: Well that was eventful hopefully connection team is fine.

Meanwhile At Towa City

Syo: My pretties I'm gonna cut you all

Leon: Man why was I forced to come here I would rather be chilling at headquarters.

Kiyotaka: Don't lose focus on it is an honor to be on this assessment with you and our other friends!

Yasuhiro: Dude you don't have to yell at me you're standing 2 feet away from me.

Kiyotaka: Sorry man but I am trying to raise your spirits we are saving the day.

Leon: Dude we're just restarting the servers and fixing the connection none of us are actually doing anything besides Fujisaki.

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