Chapter 1

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My last real memory of the time before was of her eyes. Glistening with tears that she refused to shed, their image was seared into my mind as I was led away. I remember nothing of the binding ceremony, other than a brief, searing pain and a blinding light. And then... I dreamt.

How long I lay bound, dreaming, I do not know. Several centuries, I believe, but I have yet to reckon the actual passage of time. She was gone by then, of course. She exists only in my memory—a memory I could not forget, would not let myself forget. It was my pleasure, my pain, my punishment for a love that had been given and not returned. I had caused young Maria so much pain, it was only fitting that I suffer, too.

I lay in a deathless dream state for many, many lifetimes. I dreamed of many things, some of which perhaps were real. I dreamed of my dear friend, Ventuswill, the Divine Wind as she was called while I lived, and perhaps those were not dreams at all. Perhaps some of her thoughts reached me, lost though I was to her. I had doubted that I would ever see my friends or family again, but I had been willing nonetheless to make my sacrifice to protect the God, as was my duty as a Dragon Priest as well as my desire as her friend.

Therefore, I was taken by surprise when I found myself waking from my long dream. At first, I was aware only of a brilliant, diffuse light, confusing my eyes, unaccustomed as they were to use. Then I felt a tugging sensation and realized I was being drawn. Turning towards the source of the pull, I saw a large portal. Bewildered and unsure what was happening, I looked around. That was when I first lay eyes on her.

Kneeling only a few paces away was a young maiden. She seemed to have only finished a battle, as she leaned heavily on a mighty sword. A shield lay at her feet, as though she had just dropped it there but a moment before. I had never seen anyone quite like her: long, flowing hair the color of the pale green sweet melons of my childhood, eyes the color of sea-green beryl, and pale golden skin like the lightest honey. She knelt there panting, blood seeping from a score of wounds, scorch marks marring her skin and clothing, her armor dented and long skirt tattered. Tears sparkled in her eyes like dewdrops in the morning sun as she looked at me. She smiled, and it was like the sun breaking free from the clouds and casting a glorious ray upon me, though the smile itself was bittersweet. "Tell them..." she said in voice that was musical despite expressing exhaustion bordering on collapse. "Tell Venti what happened here, please. And also, tell her thanks for being my friend—it was fun."

I barely had time to process that this slip of a girl was not only a warrior but my apparent rescuer when I was pulled into the portal, exclaiming "You..." before it closed and she vanished from sight.

I was transported to the courtyard of a stone castle, stumbling to the ground as the portal vanished behind me. The courtyard was full of strange people, a crowd gathered as for some event. A collective gasp went up as I appeared, and when the portal vanished, the people around me cried out in confusion and dismay. Someone helped me to my feet, and I looked around, leaning heavily on the man who assisted me. My body was as yet weak from years of disuse, and even standing was not yet easy.

As I tried to get my bearings, the man supporting me turned and looked me straight in the eyes, his expression fierce and his eyes desperate. "Where is Avani? Tell me what happened to her!" he cried, gripping my shoulders tightly with his powerful hands.

A handsome, aristocratic young man stepped forward, and exclaimed in a reproving voice as he placed a hand on his arm, "Dylas! Calm yourself. I know you must be concerned, but your impatience will not help her." The golden-haired man turned to me, saying, "Pardon me, stranger. Are you Leon, lately of the tower of Leon Karnak?"

Surprised that this stranger would know my name, I nodded, saying, "Yes. I am Leon. Where am I, or more to the point, when am I? Who might you be, and how do you know my name?"

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