Razors, Love, Cheats. (Chapter 2)

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Ariana's pov:
i woke up the next morning with strong arms around my waist. I tried to get out but he opened one eye.
"dont leave" he whined.
"starbucks?" i giggled and he nodded.
*skip to home after Starbucks* (Lazehhh🍕😘)
"yumm" i said, i got a caramel frappe and he got the same.
"lets go home baby." he whispered in my ear, hugging my waist.
"otay" i said, standing up and walking out with him.
Suddenly, i bumped into someone.
"sorry princess!" he said.
"Mac. Mac Harmon. You babe?"
"Ariana. Ariana Grande." i giggled.
"cute giggle, this is my number, 665527163827 call or text me beautiful!"
"i will Mac!"
I went to Justin and he looked pissed.
"baby?" i said.
"mmh. what? Go bang that guy."
"baby." i said touching His Jerry (oohhh)
"ari stop" he said.
I smirked and stood up, giving him a lap dance. He soon grew a boner.
Justin's Pov:
Ariana unbuckled my pants and gave me a handjob along with a blowjob.
I was mad at her, she chose that boy over me. I saw her giggling to her phone and i spoke up.
"i think we should just call it off"
"this isnt even a real thing Justin"
tears rolled down my eyes as i went to my room. I heard soft knocks and i knew it was Ari.
I went to the bathroom and i saw my Razor. Ariana's right, it isnt a real thing. I cut 40cuts and it was bleeding. I took all my towels but it didnt work. I tiptoed to the kitchen as my blood was dripping. Great. I saw Ariana at the kitchen and quickly grabbed 5towels.
"Justin?" she turned and saw my hand.
She gasped and started crying.
She messed her hair and i felt horrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2015 ⏰

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