Ch.3 --- the Capitol

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"Wake up, darlings. We have arrived!" The energetic Audery shouts a thousand times as she lingered around the corridor where all of us slept. I groaned under my breath, then finally got up and headed to the room where Audery told us to go before she skipped away.

"Darling, you are so early!" Audery yelled when I entered the room.

I looked around, but both mentors were not here, Samson still didn't make his appearance too.

"Good morning Audery. Where are the others?"

"Probably sleeping." Audery snorted. "Anyways, let's get up to the restaurant of the Remake Centre to have our breakfast first. The others will catch up soon. Polinius said so, but it's just so disappointing that they won't have a chance to eat the most luxurious breakfast ever today."

"Really?" I ask her, a twing of excitement is found beneath my heart.

"Yes. Early birds always have special treats."


I didn't know what to expect from the Capitol, maybe fancy furniture, people in those clothes you dream you would wear. But this is not what I imagined.

Everything was too artificial, colours here blinded your eyes, buildings as high as the sky, people having their skin dyed, manipulated gems and luxuries, clothes wore here are like the ones you never imagine you would wear. There is nothing natural, no plants, no birds. The only animals aren't in their own self: puppies too small, cats with fur of rainbow colours, rabbits' eyes as sparkling as diamonds, they even make mouses as their pets, giving them shoes to wear.

"Hello dear, are they the tributes from District..."

"From district 3, Audery."

I tore my eyes away from the window and focused on Audery and an unknown woman, who seemed to be close to Audery.

"Oh, yes, district 3. By the way, this is Capillia, from district 5."

"Hello." I smiled at her.

"Hi, Capillia. I'm Andrea, the escort of District 3 also the younger sister of Audery. Oh yes. Please meet Oliver and Meg, the tributes from 3."

The boy Oliver splutters a hi, as Meg just snorts at me then giving her attention back to her latte.

"Okay, bye Andrea. I've got to eat breakfast now."


As we walked towards our table, I saw the other tributes that had arrived at the Remake Centre: The girl with blonde hair and green eyes from 1; the brutal boy from 2; a young boy from 4, and of course, Oliver and Meg.

And the worst thing is: the Career tributes are smirking. At me.

Career tributes are tributes from the wealthiest districts 1,2 & 4. They have been training for years and years for a Game in which they might lose their lives. Although it was written in the law that you cannot train for the Games, however these districts had done this for years and is still not be punished by law. I guess that the Capitol still needs fun.

I swallowed hard, did I really look like prey? I didn't think so. I might not look like a predator but at least in my opinion I didn't act like prey.

"What's wrong Capillia?" Audery asks, I think she sensed my tension.

"Oh, nothing much. Just..."

She followed my gaze and found out what I was watching, then she whispered something to me that was barely audible "Capillia, ignore them. That will just make you look like that you care."

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