Ch.1 --- the Reaping

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"Welcome,welcome."Audery Tonkirt says in her bubbly, cheery tone, however no one down there is as happy as she is. Of course, who would be happy when your name might be reaped or your child's name might be shout out loud because he or she is reaped ? This might not happen in districts 1,2&4 which children there risk their lives to win the Hunger Games, but not in others, where being reaped means sending yourself to hell where children desperate to kill you to keep their hearts beating.

Slowly children from district 5 gather together, praying Audery Tonkirt's hand won't pick up the paper that has their names written on it, while their parents stand there, holding each others hand to support each other to survive the following worst hour which their children might be thrown to the arena to be killed.

The Mayor then stands up and welcome us, then start to tell us the uprising which cause the tradition of the annual Hunger Games, it's clear that the Hunger Games are a punishment and a reminder to the rebels that they can never win the Capitol, not when they have advanced technology and the power to force kids to fight each other. The most funniest thing is that the Capitol make the Games a festival, a sport event. It fools the Capitol citizens, or even a few districts but not most of us.

After that the Mayor introduce our victors from the past Hunger Games, we have five of them, two men and three women. Then he introduce our escort Audery Tonkirt, who greats us with the famous quote of the Hunger Games "Happy Hunger Games ! May the odds be ever in your flavor ! " Her Capitol accent is soooo funny that most of the kids have to hide their giggling faces but soon the faces turns into the looks of anxiety. Of course, it's because this creepy woman with hideous make-up and unnatural hair color has to start to reap the tributes of district 5.

"Ladies first!"squeals Audery, clearly she is so excited. She walks towards the reaping ball full of papers each with a girl's name on it. I held my breathe, thinking 4 papers have my name on it. By the time, Audery already finish picking the paper, she smoothes the paper like she does everytime, then squeals "Capillia Heartten!"

I think I almost faint, well not, Veinia has gripped my hand so tightly that it prevents me from falling. I let go Veinia's hand and recieve a hug from her and slowly make my way to the square. People there murmur how the Mayor's odds are not in his favor, but I think 'Of course not! He hates me and now seeing me going to the death gate, why shouldn't he be happy?'

I walk up the stairs slowly, my body shaking, however Audery doesn't seem to notice. She push me forward to the middle of the justice building so forcefully that I almost fell. She seem to notice that as she whispers a sorry to me. I give her a fake smile, not because I'm still angry with her, it's because I'm not in a mood today.

"Well, what a great day! But more excitement to come! It's time to select our courageous boy tribute!" squeals Audery. I start to stay calm, I know I'm going to die but I don't want to die that fast as we know those strong ones normally get their weapons on a small, weakling first. By the time, Audery already pick up the paper and smoothes it like she did to mine. Then she squeals again, "Samson Thicket!"

No, odds are not in my favor today. This boy has a crush on me since we are 11, he told me when I was 12 but I didn't love him the same way. But since he told me that, I started to notice him. He is pretty popular among the boys and a few girls like him. And the worst thing is I think I'm in love with this boy. I thought I can tell him about this a few years later when I can leave this disastrous family but I can't now, how am I suppose to tell him that I love him when we're thrown into a game that forces us to kill each other?

I'm still thinking about Samson when Audery pats me and whisper to me to shake hands with Samson. He held his hand and we shake hands, he gave me a squeeze and a smile to me. I think maybe it's just a nervous signal when I think it's a encouragement to me, because from now on he will be desperate to kill me to win the Games or simply live a day or two longer.

Then Audery lead us into the Justice building, she press a lift number then the door closed, separating me and my normal life. The door opens no longer, then she lead me to a room and Samson to another one. "What are we going to do here?" I ask Audery, asking for an answer. "Here is where you bid your family and friends goodbye before you leave." Then she leaves me there waiting for someone to visit me.

I casually choose a chair to sit on, my hands running through the silky surface of the chair. I've never touch anything smoother than this, maybe once, when I'm cleaning the furniture. However the Mayor had punished me for touching the furniture and beat me hardly that I cried so much. I look at my arm, finding the scar that was caused by the beating of the Mayor that time, however I cannot find it because there are too much scars mark on my body.

The door squeaks open, revealing my first guest: my only and best friend Mia Johnson. Mia is beautiful, she has very long dark hair which glitters in the sun and brown eyes like chocolate. Unlike me, my medium length orange hair looks ridiculous and the evergreen eyes are like...horrible. Although Mia claims I'm not ugly, I don't really trust her for that. She put her arms around me like we always do soon she step in the room, she is warm, unlike me, icy cold. I don't realize that I'm sobbing until she let go of me and wipe my tears. "Capillia, you will be alright, you can win this!"

"Mia, there is 24 of us there and only one comes out with a beating heart. And some of them are mighty strong and some even can end my life with just one single blow! How am I going win this?" I cried hopelessly, desperate for an answer.

"You're smart. Don't you remember you often outsmart those people who bullied you when you're little?" Mia says, stroking my hair gently with her soft hands.

I remain silence, thinking. I might be smart, maybe I can outsmart them. But what if they are as smart or even smarter than I am? Anyway, I at least find a way to survive.

"Thanks," I manage to choke, "I love you, remember to be happy and cheerful as you are now for your life, this is my only words to you." We embrace each other for the last time then the peacekeeper lead Mia away from the room, from me for my whole life.

Then the door opens again, this time is my stepsister Veinia. She runs inside, almost tumbling on me. I'm shocked by her, Veinia never runs. Then she hands me something: a silver necklace.

"Mom told me to give it to you, she said this is the necklace of Lavinia." I gasp, clutching the necklace to life. This is the only thing related to my sister that I've ever have.

"Well this necklace looks lucky, hope you will get through this and come back to us" Veinia smiles, her eyes teary. I hug her and tears go down her cheeks, it's like she's been reaped and has to go to the arena and die.

Soon the peacekeeper break the peace around the room and take Veinia away, away from me forever. Maybe not, maybe I can make it back.

After Veinia goes away , Audery steps in and lead us to the car. I see cars, but I've never been in one. Washing the Mayor's car is my job, I clean it every Tuesday dawn, before the morning when the Mayor drives it out. The seat in the car is as comfortable as the chair in the room where I bid Mia and Veinia goodbye.

As we step out the car, the white light of the cameras blind us, this is the time when I find out Sanson's hands is full of presents, probably from the few girls who have a crush on him. Then we step in the train, leaving district 5, the district where I belong, forever.

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