Ch.5 --- the Roof

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"Seriously?" I asked, as I looked into everyone's eyes, seeing the expected amusement right inside there.

"Seriously." Samson replies as the whole group laughed.

Due to my ripping off the 'headband' case, Clev decided to give me my punishment. The whole group dicussed and somehow the singing came up.

And the most frustrating thing is that I need to sing those songs from the Capitol and I don't even know one. Finally the group chose one for me and decision made.

"Good luck." Samson joked before the music started.

"Oh, I definitely need it. Thank you." I said in a sacrastic tone before singing this random song.

Surprisingly, the song is quite smooth and peaceful, which turns out not to be difficult for me to sing. To me, everything is a blur as I sing. Now I only remember a small part of the lyrics:

Wanna hear your beating heart tonight

Before the bleeding sun comes alive

I want to make the best of what is left for tight

And hear my beating heart one last time before daylight.

After the whole song, the whole group, not to my expectations, applaused. I stared back at them, confused.

Finally Claris spoke up, her eyes swelling with tears "My God, you sing like an angel in the heaven."

Trust me, after what Claris said and all the others agreed by nodding their heads, my eyes can pop out any second.

The silence continues until the servers came across the room with mouth-watering dishes.

"Food!" Samson shouts, making us all laugh.

"I always don't know why all the tributes' eyes will glow when they see food. Maybe they are all being melodramatic." Audery rolled her eyes after the laughter dies "What's so special with these food?"

My blood boils at her words, my hand curled into a fist. I no doubt am going to stand up and start a heat-up argument when Samson who is by my side hold my wrist.

"Don't." He whispered, silently commanded me, using one syllable to froze me.

Slowly I nodded, the anger filled in my veins as we two continued to listen to Audery's ranting, his hand still holding my wrist.


"Want to talk about it?" Samson asked after we are dismissed by our mentors, saying that they need some 'adult' talk.


He nodded "You want to talk on the roof?"

"The roof?"

He nodded again "Polonius showed me that during the morning when you're having a luxurious breakfast, as told by Audery. That blonde guy from Twelve is also there with his stylist. What is his name anyways?"

I shrugged "I don't know, I just heard the crowd screaming the girl's name. If I didn't hear wrong, it is Catnip?"

Samson sighed dramatically "It is Katniss, Capillia. You really need to check that pair of ears of yours. Back to the start, " His eyes glint with worried "Do you want to talk about it? You seem so emotional today."

"Maybe." Part of me didn't want to talk to Samson, we are going down for a fight to death a week later ; But part of me wants to talk about everything, I mean, everything. I haven't talked about my emotions for a long time, not even to Mia, my best friend.

"Then I assume this is a yes." Samson smiled as he grabbed my hand and we walked up the stairs.

I gasped as we arrived on the roof, the Capitol at night is like stars with different colours collided together. Every building is shining, shining through the dark sky.

Samson is also lost of words when it comes to the breathtaking view of the Capitol, despite from his usual talkative character.

We walked around the roof in a comfortable silence, then we heard a voice from the garden.

"...then we saw her. I'm sure it was the same girl. A boy was with her. Their clothes were tattered. They have dark circles under their eyes from no sleep. They were running as if their lives depended on it." said the girl Katniss, looking at a blossom with her beautiful grey eyes, as the blonde boy next to her silently listened to what she said.

Samson tugged my sleeve, urging me to leave. But I shook my head, what Katniss had just said seemed familiar to me, what if... she is talking about Lavinia?

Both the boy and Katniss didn't seem to notice our presence. But Katniss seems to be a bit nervous or you may say, scared, even she tend to act natural, she is shivering.

"The hovercraft appeared out of nowhere, I mean, one moment the sky was empty and the next it was there. It didn't make a sound, but they saw it. A net dropped down on the girl and carried her up, fast, so fast, like the elevator. They shot some sort of spear through the boy. It was attached to a cable and they hauled him up as well, But I'm certain he was dead. We heard the girl screamed once. The boy's name, I think. Then it was gone, the hovercraft. Vanished into thin air. And the birds began to sing again, as if nothing had happened."

I tensed up, she is talking about Lavinia and Duhmer. So the Mayor didn't lied to my father, Duhmer is really dead and Lavinia is really now an avox.

Will she be here? Working somewhere around the building?

"Did they see you?" The boy asked.

"I don't know. We were under a shelf of rock." Katniss replied, her body trembling.

"You're shivering." the boy says, his tone full of worry. He takes off his jacket and warps it around Katniss's shoulders. She stepped back, unsure of the boy's actions, but at last she let him.

After that they spoke for a while but I didn't seem to hear them, they go in the dome, leaving the roof.

I collapsed the time I'm sure they are out of view. My legs are weak from listening to Katniss's words. If I don't know Lavinia well, it won't make me feel sick and shocked. I tripped over and over again as I made my way to the dome with Samson behind me asking me if I'm alright.

"Capillia, sure you are fine?" Samson asked, his tone reminds me of the boy from Twelve when he told Katniss that she is shivering.

I shake my head as I felt something watery streaming down my face. Tears? Sweat? I've got no idea.

"Who is that girl they've talked about, Capillia?" Samson asked, looking curious and worried at the same time.

I gasped "She's my sister."


Sorry that this chapter is kinda short ... I sincerely apologise about this 3(

I will try my best on the next chapter .... :) What are your thoughts on the next chapter, name the Confession? ;)

Speak up guys, I want to hear somethin' !

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