Izuku Breaks Free

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Izuku woke up feeling sore and hot. He felt like he was sweltering under the blazing sun on a hot summer day. He also felt like he went a few rounds with All Might and lost horribly. He tried to roll over, but he was stopped by some kind of external force.

His thought processes went through things slowly, disjointed and unconnected in his mind. His brain was still sluggish from excessive sleep. He was slightly puzzled. He had never been the kind of person to oversleep, so what...?

Izuku wriggled a little, trying to make sense of what was happening. He struggled to open his eyes. The teen expected for his vision to focus and give him an idea of what was happening, but he only saw a blurred mass of green.


His brain took this as a cue to wake up. Then, a part of his brain jumped to conclusions and immediately screamed that he'd gone blind. His panic levels spiked, but before he could descend further into panic, another part of his brain rationalized that was impossible. Who'd ever heard of someone going blind and only seeing green?

He craned his neck, trying to see if he could somehow get free of whatever was holding him. What was happening? The last he remembered was saving that girl from the UA Entrance Exams. What could possibly have led up to this?

Izuku froze when he realized he could hear deep, heavy breaths. The entire time, he hadn't realized there was another person in the room. In fact, the breathing sounded suspiciously close. It was quite loud, even. He frowned, realizing how short-sighted he had been. Had he already grown dependent on his quirk?

Based on the loudness of the breathing as well as the direction... the person was... behind him?! Wait. The breathing was deep and spaced out. The other person was sleeping!

Izuku's struggles subtly increased. He was tempted to use his quirk to get free, but would that be overkill? He wriggled his body in an imitation of an earthworm, then tried some moves he saw a tantrum-throwing toddler pull off. After a moment of struggling, he felt a brief sense of vertigo before he hit the... ground?

He winced a little at the dull pain that spread through his body, his breathing stopping. He hoped that person didn't wake up from the sounds he was making. The breathing had a little hitch before evening out. Izuku let out a silent sigh of relief.

Whatever was binding him felt looser now.

What was happening??

Izuku felt the faint stirrings of something. He felt he was on the cusp of reaching a great revelation. He was almost there, but not quite yet.

The green-haired teen rolled linearly in the direction away from the breathing, trying to put as much distance between the two of them as possible.

To his great delight, whatever was binding him seemed like it was unraveling himself. Yessss, he hissed in the confines of his mind.

His vision returned to him. Izuku blinked his eyes rapidly as they watered, unused to the bright light.

This room looked familiar. Where had...?



This was Kacchan's room, wasn't it?

Izuku wriggled free from the last of his bindings. He sat up and looked at what was trapping him. It was a fluffy green comforter. The shade sort of reminded him of his hair.

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