Stumbling and tumbling

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Katsuki ran out of the house.
Night had already descended. The fucking stars were twinkling condescendingly at him set in a pool of black.

Thankfully, the street lamps were sufficient to guide him to his destination. Katsuki pushed himself to run harder. Izuku was still unconscious, but who knew when he would wake up?

If by any chance he woke up tonight while Katsuki wasn't there, knowing Izuku, he would probably unhesitatingly hurt himself further and try to commit suicide again. The doctors just fixed him up! He couldn't be allowed to undo all their hard work!

Katsuki felt his panic level raise a notch at the thought.

Izuku, he prayed, don't do anything stupid.

Sweat was pooling in his palms at the thought that Izuku still thought he hated him.

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