gru's weird dreams on the toilet

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for some strange reason every time gru went to the toilet and sat on it, he would fall asleep. when he fell asleep he would normally have really weird dreams that normally consisted of him drinking the toilet water, eating the contents of the toilet or just straight up eating the toilet. sometimes these dreams only lasted about 2 to 5 minutes but he had one last an hour and when he woke up after the hour long dream he found himself licking the toilet. after that gru decided that he should finally go to the doctors and get it checked out.

today was finally the day that he was going, he really needed the bathroom but he was told to wait to use it until he was at the doctors and the doctor would go into the bathroom with him and watch to see if they could figure out why it was happening and to also see if gru was just taking the piss out of them. (i didnt mean to make that a pun so i was gonna say no pun intended but now it is pun intended so uh yeah IM A GAMER I LIKE VIDEO GAMES  sorry i just had to anyway I'll let you get back to your shitty gru fanfic) if they did find out that gru was taking the piss out of him gru would be in big BIG trouble because the doctors were very busy as ligma was spreading around like wildfire and it had to be checked and treated immediately so if gru was wasting precious time that could have been used trying to treat a patient's ligma he might be in the bathroom for much longer than expected.

A/N i have no idea where this is going but I promised to upload a new chapter every day so here we go. I'm trying to make the chapters a little longer cause chapter one was disappointing to me although to be fair i did write it at 6am in the morning without getting any sleep but still i want to try and make the chapters longer so this one is a bit longer also sorry for randomly interrupting the fic in the middle

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