League of Super Evil OC: Black Viper

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Has anyone heard of that show on YTV "League of Super Evil"? It was a cartoon I watched at my mother's house as a child. I've been watching that show on Prime lately and it was fun seeing the villains Voltar, Red Menace, Doktor Frogg and Doomageddon all try to come up with the evil plans and they keep on failing. My personal favourite is Red Menace. He's really silly. That's not what I've got today. I have a brand new OC for the fandom which I'll try out in the future: the first female supervillain in the LOSE universe Black Viper.

 I have a brand new OC for the fandom which I'll try out in the future: the first female supervillain in the LOSE universe Black Viper

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Sure in "Minions", Scarlett Overkill is the first female supervillain; but this is "League of Super Evil". They never had a female supervillain. Why not make one now? Here's her bio.
Name: Black Viper
Real name: Cassandra Newman
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Role: Supervillain
Family: Unknown
Likes: Bank robberies, terrorism, shootings, spying and weapons from the government
Dislikes: League of Super Evil (not because of rivalry; it's because to her they're very sucky supervillains and they make her eyes roll)
Crushes: Maybe Red Menace? I don't know. Red Menace does like her though because of her supervillain name and his supervillain name

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