Chapter 4

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As I seeped out of my darkness I was immediately hit by the fragments of my memory. The book from the library. A blinding white light escaping out of it. Leila, Shahid and I being stirred away by the white light.

On realising about Leila and Shahid, I immediately jerked awake but was hit by an immense pain in my head at the same speed.

"Leila, Shahid, where are you?", I asked my surroundings.

"Morning child, it seems you have awoken.", Greeted a middle aged woman.

"Who are you and where am I? Where are my friends?", I asked panicky.

"Easy there child! I am Pheona, one of the best healers in Neráides and your friends are being resided in the nearby chambers for proper care and treatment. You can go and visit them later in the day when the pain in your head subsides!" Pheona informed me.

"Neráides, what and where is that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh child, in the name of Angelea you sure are a curious one! Why don't you rest and when you and your friends are fit all shall be explained!", She said like a mother nurturing her young ones.

"But what about my friends, how are they doing and where are their chambers?", I asked worriedly.

"In the name of Angelea, your friends are doing fine. The female one is kept directly besides your chamber on the left and the male one is kept opposite of  you chamber. They are not held too far away from you, child.", She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Rest now, child and in the name of Angelea all shall be explained by the High Lords.", And with that she left.

As she left, my curiosity immediately quirked and I rewind all that she had said in my mind. "Neráides, where is that?", I thought to myself. I have never heard of it and this Pheona lady... She has wings just like that of a fairy. They were as shiny as glitter starting of with white at the top and with a faint of cerise pink towards the end. Speaking of Pheona why does she always say "in the name of Angelea" . Who is Angelea and why is she regarded with so much importance.

Oh Allah what have I gotten myself and my friends into. "Leila, Shahid, I hope you two are doing fine and are safe. I will come and see you as soon as I get rid of this pain in my head." I muttered to myself.

As I thought more and more about Shahid, Leila and where that white light might have stirred us to, Neráides and the way Pheona looks I hadn't realised that the pain in my head had increased. My head was now throbbing immensely wanting me to surrender to a hypnotizing slumber that was constantly calling out to me. I closed my eyelids to be consumed by the sleep in the hope that my friends are well and that I will get the answers to my invisible questions...


Hi guys

Ayanna has escaped her darkness but only to be welcome into Neráides. What do you think of Pheona and who is Angelea? Will Ayanna get the answers she is prying for? Till next time folks.




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