Chapter 6

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"So you are saying that Neráides is the land of Angels and...", Shahid repeated Lukes words.

"Yep and there are other lands also which I will tell you about later." Luke said while cutting off Shahid.

"What there are other lands too, is this like a whole different world?", Leila asked in utter surprisement.

"More like a realm." Luke answered and corrected her at the same time.

"So what's with the whole in the name of Angelea thing?", I asked in an attempt to subside Leila's excitement.

"Angelea is the long lost princess of Neráides, who was taken away for her safety to another realm 17 moons ago during a brutal war. After the war was over the Lord sent groups of warrior Angels to different realms to look for her but none succeeded. Due to that all started to assume that she might have not survived and died therefore she is given outmost respect and is regarded as a God.", Luke narrated.

"Are you sure that the warrior Angels were sent to all the realms what if they missed one and she could still be alive?", Leila asked as though doubting Luke's words.

"Moons...", Shahid mused before Luke could answer to Leila's curiosities.

"Moons are used to calculate time and 1 moon is a year.", Luke replied flatly.

As we continued to bombard Luke with questions trying to ease our curious minds we heard a sound.

"Wow, did you hear that?", Shahid asked panically.

"Yep, that was pretty loud we all heard that.", Leila said as if it was nothing to be worried about.

As we traveled the sounds grew louder forming into those created when swords clash against each other and within seconds after, a piercing growl was heard causing everything around us to shake as though an earthquake occurred.

On hearing that piercing growl Luke immediately stopped the carriage and we all stepped out of it to inspect what the source of that growl was and to our dismay we had to be spectators of a gruesome and horrific scene. In front of us laid a scene that looked as though it was taken out straight from a fantasy but then again both my friends and I were already stuck in a fantasy world about which we didn't even have the slightest clue about, so what are the odds. There in front of us was another Angel, a creature wearing a black hooded cape and a very horrifying creature that looked like a wild dog but with 3 heads and about 13 feet tall.

"Oh Allah, what is that creature?", I asked while being both terrified and amazed.

"That is a Cerberus, one of the dangerous creatures of the Zehraal forest that can only be controlled by a Jinn.", Luke answered.

"So is that black hooded thing a Jinn?", Shahid asked.

"Oi, are you guys just going to stand and watch this thing kill me or are you going to help me defeat it so that we can get out of this forest.", Shouted the Angel that was still fighting the Cerberus.

"We've got to do something. We can't just let him be killed by that monster.", I said trying to encourage the others to help.

We all agreed to help and with the other Angel's directions we managed to injure the Cerberus causing it to retreat back to where it came from. Due to that the Black hooded creature which Luke said was a Jinn also vanished.

"Oh Allah, you are injured gravely.", I said as I took in the features of his body.

"It's nothing to be worried about and thank you for saving my life.", He said.

"There is a first aid kit in the carriage, it would be enough to patch you up.", Luke informed the other Angle.

"Thank you all for your kind service, I owe you my life.", He said.

"You welcome, but that is not needed.", I said flatly.

"Why not, a life for a life. I Damien Salvador the fourth, Commander of the Royal Warrior Angels vows to serve his life for you and your fellow comrades.", He immediately vowed to me.

Once we got Commander Damien who looked too young to be a commander all patched up, we settled back in to the carriage to head to the Royal Castle before something or should I rather say someone caught Shahid's attention and it was none other then my other best friend, Leila.

"Hey, where is Leila?", Shahid asked.

"Oh Allah, don't tell me that we lost Leila!!", I said both panically and worriedly.


Hi guys

Another cliffhanger and Ayanna finally knows about Neráides and the history behind the whole in the name of Angelea thing. Yet again she has made a new friend and what do you think about Damien? Will he hold up to his vow? Where do you think Leila is? Is she lost or is she kidnapped? Till next time folks.




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