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"I don't know. But who knows he will come tonight," answered Choi Sang Won. I'm a little disappointed because it's not him that he will meet. So there's still a chance he won't show up. I quickly covered my nervousness by taking a sip of my drink.

Manoban seemed to notice my disappointment, so he slipped his hand again on my waist and squeezed it slightly.

"Oh. Okay. I hope he will come today, so I can negotiate with him soon," Manoban replied smoothly without being nervous at all. He's great.

"Yeah. I also hope so. Too bad I can't reach him. No one can contact him except certain people," said Choi Sang Won meaningfully. This made me even more convinced that our target was someone with a fairly high position in the syndicate.

"I understand. Okay then, I won't waste your time. I hope your meeting goes well," replied Manoban like he was talking to his friend. Choi Sang Won gave him a small smile and then looked at me for a bit longer.

"Yeah, I also hope you guys enjoy tonight and hope he comes soon," replied Choi Sang Won, who was still looking straight at me. I was getting nervous, but Manoban pulled me by my waist and kissed my temple. I immediately smiled and turned my face to him so Choi Sang Won couldn't see my nervousness.

Manoban looked back at me with a meaningful glance. He then brought his face closer and kissed my cheek, near the corners of my lips.

"I won't bother anymore," said Choi Sang Won with a smile and left us.

Manoban didn't let me go right away. I also didn't try to stay away from him until Choi Sang Won was out of sight. Once he disappeared into the crowd, Manoban slowly withdrew. It was a cue for me to slowly withdraw too but we maintain to stay close because of our roles. Who knows someone saw us.

"I think we should wait a little longer," Manoban whispered from behind his glass.

I leaned in and put my lips close to his ear so no one would hear our conversation. "How do we know if he's coming? We don't know his face," I whispered.

Manoban put his hand on the bar table beside me to lean in. From afar, people will think we are a couple who making out at the bar and giving each other compliments. In reality, we were only whispering about our mission.

"I don't know," he answered in a whisper in my ear.


"Sshhh..." Manoban stopped me by placing his thumb on my lips. He brought his face closer to mine so I could feel his breath because his lips were so close to mine. Those soft lips. But after a while, he didn't kiss me but shifted his face to bring his lips closer to my ear. "Don't be too loud. We'll probably know when he's coming. I think he will look different from the others. Besides, if he comes, Choi Sang Won will tell me." His breath, the warmth of his body that I felt because of our closeness, made me shudder and a little nervous.

I wanted to push him away, but on the other side, I didn't want to, because we were on an undercover mission. We act like lovers. So if I pushed him, it would only make others suspicious. Even though it's my first time going undercover, and of course nervous, but I don't mind having his body close to me like this because he smells good. Masculine but not what makes me sick. His scent is very light and pleasant. I think I can smell it all night long.

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