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"This is Jennie Kim, 16011996. Detective Manoban, Detective Park, and I are near Suraksan-ro-6-gil, will be heading there soon. We're looking for someone with the same name as that woman," I said using the radio attached to Manoban's car after hearing a unit of officers nearby respond and drive over there.

"Roger that. Unit 43, Detective Kim, Detective Manoban, and Detective Park will backup. No siren, please. At the request of the victim," the officer replied via radio.

Weird. It is the first time the victim asked for the absence of sirens. This means something is nearby. Manoban was already driving the car when I alerted the emergency center. Our current location is so close to the reported place, so in just 2 minutes, we have arrived in front of the small shop that was informed.

As soon as the car parked in the front of the shop, the three of us rushed down and entered. The shop was empty, and there was no one in sight. But as soon as we opened the door, a middle-aged man came out from the curtain that seemed to lead to the kitchen.

"SCPD. I'm Detective Kim, and they are my co-worker. I got a report coming in that a woman named Kim Ji Young is here," I said while showing my badge.

The middle-aged man nodded and ushered us in through the curtain that led to the kitchen, to where a middle-aged woman who seemed to be his wife was giving Kim Ji Young a drink.

That's right, that woman is the person we are looking for, even though she's in a messy state right now, but there's no mistaking it, it's her.

"Kim Ji Young. I am Detective Manoban. This is Detective Kim and Detective Park. We're looking for you since you haven't been back to your apartment last night. What happened to you?" Manoban immediately approached and knelt next to the woman who was staring at him in fear. But as soon as she saw Manoban's badge and heard him introduce himself, she looked relieved and the next second started crying and clutching the sleeve of Manoban's jacket.

"Help us. I run from them. But they're still there. Help them," she said in tears.

"Who are they, and where are they?" asked Manoban while holding Kim Ji Young's hand to try to calm her down.

"They're in an old building in an alley near here. There were five other girls besides me, and five people were looking after us. Their boss is coming tonight. I escaped from the 2nd-floor bathroom. Please save them. I'm afraid they already know that I ran away," she said between sobs.

Manoban nodded at the same time as the shop door opened, made us alert, and jerked our heads against the curtain that separated the kitchen from where we were. Kim Ji Young gasped and wrapped her arms around Manoban's arms. With a trembling body, she covered her face in Manoban's upper arms.

The middle-aged man, who greeted us earlier, left and soon came back in followed by two police officers who introduced themselves to us. They are from unit 43, which response to the emergency center.

"Miss Kim, can you show me where the building is?" asked Manoban as he grabbed Kim Ji Young's arm.

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