incorrect quote #2 [gotham]

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Bruce, Selina, Jeremiah and Jerome sitting in a single room together by a big round table and neither said a single word to each other.

Feeling rather awkward by the silence, Jeremiah decided to make a little joke to see if anyone, and when he meant by anyone, he meant by a certain person.

"So, did any of you know that you can de-escelate any situation just by simply saying, 'are we about to kiss?-'"

Bruce upon hearing so somehow made him cough abit as his cheeks began to feel warm meanwhile Selina only rolled her eyes as a respond to his words.

Jerome sighed and slams both of his hands onto the table gaining attention of the other's.

Jeremiah being quite surprised for the sudden action asks him :-

"Jerome, brother, is there something bothering yo-"

Jerome immediately cut off his brothers words by saying :-

"But unfortunately it doesn't seem to work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way"

The room fell silence once more for a short while as the other's gave him either a look of concerned nor questionable, though the silence broke as Selina replied to his words :-

"... what in the actual fu-"

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