Only when I walk away...

152 9 2

Seven weeks later (One month& Three weeks later)

Text convo

*Evan*-What are you doing tonight

*Willow*-Well Jadens doing a special concert and me and the boys are going to chill there

*Evan*-That sounds cool

*Willow*-Yea so what are you doing tonight

*Evan*-Oh im staying in.

*Willow*-Well, Jaden wants you to come to the concert.

*Evan*-Girl, you going straight to hell for that lie

*Willow*-No but foreal, he does, DJ will be there.


*Willow*-Yea...So are you in?

*Evan*- I guess

I typed bitting my lip, about two months ago Jaden didnt even want me to touch him now he wants to see me? I dont know.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Ooooooowwweeee" Scooter said "Long shirt and socks, no pants i knew yall been doing the nasty again..." Scooter said smiling

"No scooter shut up" Justin said "Whats up"

"um did you know about Jadens concert tonight?" I asked

"Yea, I know about it." He said

"Well are you going?" I asked chuckling

"Nope, and neither are you." He said and scooter hit the Bruh button

"What do you mean i cant go?" I said

"Listen Evan somethings up, when he told me he wanted you there it wasnt sincere he has something under his sleve and Im looking out for you"

Then Scooter played the "Your not my dad" Vine on the soundboard

"Look Justin is it wrong for me to atleast see whats up?" I said

Scooter play the "No nigga" vine

"STOP!" we both said

"God hop off your periods ladies" he said walking into the front room

"No its not wrong but im telling you whats best for you and your not going to that concert Evan"

"What?! Justin are you hearing what your saying right now?! No, this isnt about the concert or Jaden its about me and you. Your mad because"

"Evan im warning you stop right now." he said putting down the knife he was using

"Your mad because I picked Jaden! I picked him and not you-"


"Justin GOD when are you going to get over it I WAS NEVER AND WILL NEVER EVER BE WITH YOU WHY?! BECAUSE YOU ARENT JADEN!" I said yelling at the top of my lungs

"Okay thats how you feel? Go ahead, go to the concert okay, but dont you dare come crying to me when he hurts you okay make sure of that."

"Fine" I said

"Fine" He mocked

"Fine" I mocked

"Fine" He mocked

"Ughhhhh" i said and ran up the stairs

Im going to that concert.

I put on a white dress with black flowers and a black leather jacket a silver flower necklace an a gold flower braclet and and a par of black pumps.

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