And the ghost babies will haunt you.

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*Jadens Pov*

"Hey had a panic attack." Melissa said "Luckily it wasn't to bad but you need to take it easy okay?" she said as i struggled to sit up.

"They didn't admit me?" I said feeling a pounding in my head.

"Nah i convinced them not to, that seemed like the last thing that you would want." She said standing up from the couch

"Your correct, um what happened to Taylor?" i said

"Well maybe we shouldn't talk about that right now, sweetie get some rest okay" she said smiling softly as she walked out and closed the door.

I got up and walked over to Evan holding her hand.

"Hey, hows it going? I mean i know you cant say anything back but it'd be nice know." I laughed at myself, but the tears started to fall again. "I miss you a lot, I need you to come back to me in one piece okay, I don't want anymore of this hospital business. Don't worry about anything okay. I wanna be there and take care of you. I got you okay." i said touching her hair.

I lied down on the couch and proceeded to drift off into sleep.

-Day Nine-

"Wake the hell up" I head a all to familiar voice say

"Kylie what are you doing here, you don't even like Evan."

"I've come to see you babe. " she said putting her hands on my shoulder kissing my neck

"St- ky- STOP" i said struggling to get away from her

"What is it Jaden?" she said sighing and rolling her eyes, her attitude was disgusting.

"I don't want to do this anymore." I said

"So what she gets into an accident and all i become to you again is just some girl."

"Kylie all you ever were was just something on the side, wake up boo i never loved you!"

"Oh really, well fine i guess ill just have to tell Evan when she wakes up that you've been fucking me ever since you guys brought her coked out uncle home from rehab."

I wanted to slap her right in her stupid face, but i'm too hot for jail.

"Wh- what do you want from me kylie?" i almosted yelled

"I want you not to forget what you did Jaden, i want you to remember what you did to me Jaden, i want you to remember that you did this to me, that you werent the sweet person you are now, when it was us, how that was ganna be our baby."

As soon as she said that my mind went into flashback mode.

-Sophomore Year-

"Jaden I'm pregnant" Kylie said as she sat on the bed next to me.

I'd taken her virginity about two months ago on homecoming night, that was the worst mistake ever.

"Shut up, no you're not" i said standing up closing the door so my parents couldn't hear

"Yes i am, Kendal took me to the clinic and we got a test, I'm sure"

"Well, I don't know what to tell you ky.."i said laughing

"What do you mean?" she said standing up tears brimming her eyes

"I mean you are on your own" I said

"No! Jaden your going to help me!" she said stomping he foot

"Oh you want help? Here's some help for you honey, get rid of it" i said continuing to laugh at her

"I am not going to kill our baby Jaden!" she said tears falling

"Look i am 15 i am not ready to be a father okay!"

"You're an irresponsible asshole who's apparently not ready to be a man either!" She said bumping past me

I grabbed her by her neck and threw her to the ground and began hitting her in the stomach.

"Are you still pregnant bitch?! I'm not a man huh?!" I yelled in her ear.

"Whats wrong you ain't got shit to say now?!" i said kicking her in the stomach

She began to bleed from her areas onto the floor so i drug her down the back stairs and put her out.

I blinked myself back into reality.

"Kylie I'm sorry i-"

"Jaden nothing you say to me can make me forgive you for what you did, you killed my child, our child. took my virginity and then beat me, you should be in jail, be thankful i don't have your ass locked up now! But don't worry Jaden what goes around comes around you'll get yours, and the ghost babies will haunt you!" She said putting on lipstick picking up her purse and leaving.

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