Falling Short

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A/N; Why hello there my lovelies....... its been a while hasnt it, im not going to get into it all but know that ive been going through hell otherwise i wouldve been on wattpad CONSTANTLY!!!! I have missed this. Anyways enough of this!!! The song for this chapter if called falling short by Lapsley, i picked it because it matches the mood perfectly!!!! I suggest you listen to it while you read the chapter. enjoy. 

Adding A New Character Todayyy!!! 

Guess Who 


P.S.- I really love you guys. 


Jadens POV

I've been sitting on this couch for three weeks now cant leave her side, how could I ever.  Every one is here, today is the day they wake her up. Today is one of the happiest days of my life.

"Alright can everyone please clear out so we can start the procedure" A doctor said 

We all shuffled out of the room, and walked to a private waiting room.

"Jaden cheer up ya girls coming back today" Teo Said patting me on the back 

"Yea yea I know, just a little anxious.." I said sipping my coffee 

"Bout what?" He asked 

"Helllloooo everyone" Kylie said as she waltzed into the room

"That!" I said standing up pointing to Kylie

"Kylie what are you doing here, you know that-" Kendal began but was cut off

"I heard sleeping beauty was waking up today and I thought I would surprise her...Nice to know you switched sides Kendal." Kylie said glaring at her as everyone else let the scene play out.

"Surprise?" I questioned 

"Ohhhh Kendallll" She said 

And out walks Kendall fucking Schmidt 

"Hey, I brought her these. Im really here to tell her sorry that I haven't been around, she was my best friend and after everything with you and her I couldnt take being around you guys." Kendall said 

 "Save it, both of you need to get out of here right now!" I said 

"Jaden calm down okay he just wanted to bring her some flowers." Willow said

"Hey, you guys can come on back, shes up" The doctor said and i was the first person to run back to her 

She looked so docile and frail, but still beautiful. 

"Hey there." i said walking slowly over to her 

She licked her lips and cleared her throat before she began to speak "Jaden" She said as her voice cracked. 

"Yea its me love." I said pulling up a chair next to her as the others filled the room 

"KENDALL!!" She said overly excited and got a few laughs from us. 

"Hey there, I heard you fell down the slide" He said earning a few more laughs... but nothing from me. 

Why didnt she get excited like that for me? 

Evans POV 

I didnt want to see Jaden, not at all. I wasnt going to let him know that yet. I wasnt going to embarrass  him around everyone. I wasnt going to let him know that I knew everything. Not yet, atleast. 

It was good seeing Kendall, I really missed him. After their graduation we barely spoke but I understood why. 

"Arent you supposed to be on tour with the boys?" I asked trying to sit up 

"Yeahhh but as soon as I hear what had happened back home I caught the first flight from the UK. Carlos and Logan say hi, James has been a little self consumed lately."  He said taking a seat at the edge of my bed

"When isnt he?" I said laughing 

"Hey, arent you glad I told Kenny here whats been going on?" Kylie appeared out of the shadows. 

"Yea thanks sure whatever." I said 

"Why is she here" I whispered to my uncle 

"We dont really know, she just popped up with male barbie here" He said shrugging his shoulders 

"So how you been feeling, I just wonder if you received any...good news lately???" Kylie said 

"Kylie Shut up you always starting some mess!! Cant we have peace for one- "

"Shut it willow!" 

"Oh hell no Imnot Kendal! You not ganna talk to me any type of way! I take my shoes of and we can get it-" Will covered her mouth and carried her out of the room 

"So like I was saying....any news?" Kylie said as she began to glare at me 

"No, I havent gotten any good news lately Kylie seeing is that ive been in coma while you been busy not having an upper lip." 

I heard multiple ooo's and oh shits come from the room but ignored them 

"Oh, really well maybe you should know-" 

"Oh save it bitch! I already know everything and yes I do mean EVERYTHING. Little fact you can be in induced coma  and still hear....





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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